Running, jumping and biking on 8,000 litres of non-newtonian fluid in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Brought to you by Mach by Hong Leong Bank together with We are KIX. Music and info below..


跑步,跳躍和騎自行車上8000公升的水上,一間在馬拉西亞吉隆坡的銀行(Hong Leong Bank)在一場水上的音樂盛會上!帶你一起突破牛頓的反重力試驗!


 Non-Newtonian fluid -反牛頓重力試驗用流體 -這個成份其實很簡單,只要你在家裡也可以用玉米粉跟水用一定的混合比例就可以了,然後你就可以試驗瞬間用力在這流體的表面上踏踩,都可以走的安然無事,因為這個流體有記憶的效應作用,但是如果你站的久一點或者因為跌倒而停留太久,就會突破這個物質的反重力作用了,美國情報單位目前也在研究利用這個物質原理,想做出更好的防彈效果的衣服或設備,這是馬拉西亞Hong Leong Bank特別為了讓客戶,可以安心把錢交給他們的另類廣告!


A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose flow properties differ in any way from those of Newtonian fluids. Most commonly the viscosity (the measure of a fluid's ability to resist gradual deformation by shear or tensile stresses) of non-Newtonian fluids is dependent on shear rate or shear rate history


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