




  My brother won't pay back the loan we gave him

  My husband and I lent my brother a large sum on our line of credit. He lives out of province and his assets are tied up in his fast-growing, successful business. He needed funds to bridge him until the sale of his home. He was to pay us back immediately after the house closed last April. But he has blown us off for months, most recently promising to repay in the “near future” following some important business transactions. I gently told him that blowing us off is totally not cool, and he apologized – but there’s still no concrete suggestion as to when he’ll pay up. He has a nice lifestyle, and it’s not our job to keep him afloat. I’ve been patient, but I’m concerned, feeling a little hurt and losing sleep. My husband is relaxed and trusts everything will work out. How can I tackle this with my brother?


 這不是很生活化的英文文章嗎? 怎麼英文課本裡的文章都長的不像這樣~~~不是在台灣的每個學生學英文,都一定要變成是莎士比亞才行吧~~難怪有一次學校的英文教授跟我說,台灣人出的了國留學的,大多可以教當地學生英文寫作,這會不會太誇張啊~教育部長!這樣教我們的國力真的比較強嗎?

無責任文章翻譯:站長 davytw.pixnet.net


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