富比世雜誌2015年全球富豪榜、台灣首富、世界首富、世界最有錢的人、台灣富豪、最新首富排行榜 ---
最新首富排行榜 2014年台灣首富排行 2015年台灣首富排行 美國前十大高薪職業
在我們開始知道誰是台灣最有錢的人之後,建議你先了解這世界錢的運作原理影片介紹,看完這個影片之後你才會理解為什麼你要從窮人翻身是一件極困難的事情,讓我們一起來看看到底這世界上關於錢是怎麼運做吧 貨幣市場的真相 或者 Google 如何快速賺錢
你想知道2013年台灣最有錢的人是誰嗎? 以下資料是全球最知名的富比士雜誌調查整理的結果,當然不要忘了常用英文你才不會忘記 看一些簡單的英文吧
This is a list of Taiwan's wealthiest people, based on each person's total net worth. The total net worth is an estimate measured in United States dollars by Forbes in 2013
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看完了台灣 TOP10 當然要比對一下全世界最有錢 TOP 10
Richest People in the World – Top 10 List of Billionaire Men – 2013
Who are the richest people in the world? Who is the richest man in the world? Who are the top 10 people having more money than anyone else on this planet? Who is the richest person in the world in 2013? Here lies the answer. We present the list of richest billionaires on Earth along their net worth for year 2013. Info on this page is according to the Forbes Magazine. List of richest men in the world starts with world’s richest man who is Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico.
For top 5, top 20, top 50 or top 100 richest people in the world, visit Forbes.
那些人是全世界最有錢的人?那世界首富又是誰呢?在地球上最有錢的前十名又是誰?在2013年最有錢的人是誰呢~ 這裡有答案
我們根據富比士雜誌資料報導,列出在地球上2013年最有錢人群的淨資產,排列在最前面的是墨西哥的Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim Helú
Richest Man in the World from Mexico
看他笑的多開心啊~So smile , you're rich ~
He is the richest person in the world and he has been occupying this top spot since the year 2010. In the same year, he displaced Warren Buffet to become the person having net worth second to none. He was born Mexico to Lebanese parents. his father came to Mexico from Lebanon in as early s 1904. Since then, his family have been into business and Carlos Slim taking the legacy to new higher level. Carlos Slim holds a Civil Engineering Degree from National Autonomous University of Mexico. In short, richest engineer in the world happens to be the richest person as well. His business is diversified with investments in companies ranging from insurance to telecommunications. His major chunk of wealth comes from American Movil. Read more about him here.
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