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看書學英文 The great Novels/Books for Children
P.S 大部份的英文書在圖書館都可以借到
1 | A child’s garden of verse/兒童詩園 |
2 | A Gathering of Days /相聚的日子 |
3 | A long way from chicago/我那特異的奶奶 |
4 | Adventures of Pinocchio/木偶奇遇記 |
5 | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/ 愛麗絲夢游仙境 |
6 | All of a kind family/好人家 |
7 | Amy the dancing bear/跳舞小熊艾咪 |
8 | Black Beauty/黑神駒 |
9 | Curious George/好奇喬治 |
10 | fables/ Aesop 伊索寓言 |
11 | Green eggs and ham/綠色的蛋與火腿 |
12 | Guess How much I Love you /猜猜我有多愛你 |
13 | How the Grinch stole Christmas/鬼靈精 |
14 | |
15 | Little Women/小婦人 |
16 | Millions of Cats/一百萬隻猫 |
18 | Mr.Popper's Penguins /波普先生的企鵝 |
19 | Pinochio/木偶奇遇記 |
20 | SECRET OF PLATFORM/第十三號秘密平台 |
21 | The Blind men and the elephant/盲人摸象的故事 |
22 | The Little House on the Prairie/草原上的小屋 |
23 | The Swiss Family Robinson |
24 | The Cat in the Hat/魔法靈貓 |
25 | The little engine That could/小火車做到了 |
26 | The Polar Express/北極特快車 |
27 | The Tale of peter rabbit/小彼得兔的故事 |
28 | The Wonderful Wizard of oz/綠野仙蹤 |
29 | The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales/格林童話 |
30 | The Phantom Tollbooth/收費亭裡的幽靈 |
31 | The Chronicles of Narnia/納尼亞傳奇 |
32 | Winnie-the-Pooh /小熊維尼歷險記 |
1 | 20000 Leagues Under the Sea 海底2萬里 |
2 | Adventures of sherlock holmes 福爾摩斯全集 |
3 | Amos Fortune's free自由人 |
4 | Call of the wild 野性的呼喚 |
5 | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 巧克力冒險工廠 |
6 | Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator神奇的玻璃升降機 |
7 | Charlottes's web 夏綠蒂的網 |
8 | Frankenstein 科學怪人 |
9 | George's Marvelous Medicine 喬治的神奇魔藥 |
10 | Ivanhoe 劫後英雄傳 |
11 | Le Morte d'Arthur 亞瑟王傳奇 |
12 | Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(納尼亞傳奇:獅子、女屋、魔衣櫥) |
13 | Matilda 小魔女瑪提達 |
14 | National velvet 玉女神駒 |
15 | Peter Pan 小飛俠 |
16 | Robinson Crusoe 魯賓遜漂流記 |
17 | Shane 原野奇俠 |
18 | The Count of Monte Cristo 基度山恩仇記 |
19 | The Hobbit 哈比人歷險記 |
20 | The Hunchback of Notre Dame 鐘樓怪人 |
21 | The Last of the mohicans 大地英豪 |
22 | The Little Prince 小王子 |
23 | The Ousiders 小教父 |
24 | Where the Red fern Grows 紅色羊齒草的故鄉 |
25 | Wonder Tales from Greece 希臘神話故事 |