常用英文縮寫50句(Facebook 臉書適用)




lol = laugh out loud 笑的很大聲

rolf = roll on floor laughing 笑倒在地上滾

lmao = laugh my ass off 把屁股笑掉 (...!?) XD 

lmfao = laugh my ******* ass off (比較誇張 同上)


wtf = what the fu*k 搞屁阿

wth = what the hell 什麼鬼

mf = mother fu*ker 幹你媽

sob = son of bitch 狗娘養的

stfu - shut the f*ck up 閉上你的鳥嘴
asap = as soon as possible 越快越好

afaik = as far as I know 就我所知

aka = also known as 也被稱做

afk = away from keyboard 暫離

atm = at the moment 現在

atk = attack 攻擊

b4 = before 之前

bbl = be back later 馬上回來

bbs = be back soon 馬上回來

brb = be right back 馬上回來

brt = be right there 馬上過去

btw = by the way 突然想起

char = character 角色

cu / cya = see you 再見

cuz/ cus/ cause = because 因為
da = the

dat = that 那個

dun = don't 不要

dunno = dont know 不知道

ea = each 每個

ftw = for the win 最好的 王道 

gl = good luck 祝你好運 (不是女女...)

gratz/ grats = congratulations 恭喜

gtg/ g2g = got to go 要離開了

gm = good morning 早安

gn = good night 晚安

hav = have 有

ic = i see 了解

imo = in my opinion 在我看來

jk = just kidding/ joking 開玩笑

n = and 和

nite = night 晚安 (晚上)

no = know 知道

np/no prob = no problem 不客氣

nvm = never mind 沒關係

o = oh 喔

omg = oh my god 我的天阿

omw = on my way 在路上了

plz/ pls = please 請
pm = private message 私人留言

rdy/ rtg = ready/ ready to go 準備好了

rite = right 同意 沒錯

sec = second 等一下(一秒鐘)

sry = sorry 抱歉 對不起

sup/ wassup = what's up (打招呼)

sux = sucks 糟透

tbh = to be honest 說真的

thx = thanks 謝謝

tmr = tomorrow 明天

ty = thank you 謝謝你

u = you
ur = your 你的

wat/wts = what/what's

xxxing = xxxin (例 going = goin)
【非縮寫 常用區】
ive = i have 我有

2 = to/too

gonna = going to 正要 要去

kinda = kind of 有點...

w/ = with

wanna = want to 想要


ahaha = 阿哈哈 ( = = )

er = 呃...

oops = 阿!! (慘了)

oh = 喔

hm/ hmm = 恩...

uh/uhm = 呃恩

yeah/ yup = 同意 沒錯 (有時會用ya ya也可當"耶") 


WTB:want to buy,我想要購買

WTS:want to sell,我想要出售

WTT:want to trade,我想要交換


AOE:area of effect,有範圍傷害的法術

AE:arcane explosion {法師的範圍傷害法術} 或 area effect (意同 AOE)


Aggro Radius:引怪的距離

ar:attack rate 攻擊率



Carebear:喜歡幫助人打怪而不 pvp 的玩家

cc:character control,控制怪、角色的法術 控場

cs:Counter-Spell (Silence),沈默

crit:critical hit,致命傷害

cw:colony war,領地戰

DD:direct damage,直接傷害


DOT:damage over time,會連續在固定的時間內造成傷害的法術

DPS:damage per second,每秒平均的傷害

De-Buff:取消 buff 的法術

dr:defend rate 防禦率

FH:full health,滿血

FM:full mana,魔法值全滿

HP:health point,血量

HoT:Healing over Time,在一定的時間內持續性的補血

KOS:kill on sight,看到就會追殺你

KS:kill steal,竊殺、偷怪

loot:掉寶 打怪掉的裝備 掉落物

LFG:look for group,找尋隊伍

LOM:low of mana,魔法值即將用完

LOS:line of sight,視線


mt:main tank 坦怪的角色 tank 有坦 吸住 的意思



OOM:out of mana,魔法值用完

PK:player killing,殺玩家


PST:please sent tell,請傳訊給他

PSW:please sent whisper,請私下傳訊,同上



PVP:player vs player,玩家 vs 玩家








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