總裁 | Chairman | |
副總裁 | Vice Chairman | |
董事長 | President | |
副董事長 | Vice President | |
董事 | Director of Board | |
監事 | Supervisor | |
常務監事 | Managing Supervisor | |
總經理 | General Manager | G.M. |
副總經理 | Vice President | V.P. |
執行長 | Chief Executive Officer | CEO |
財務長 | Chief Financial Officer | CFO |
資訊長 | Chief Information Officer | CIO |
營運長 | Chief Operating Officer | COO |
技術長 | Chief Technology Officer | CTO |
顧問 | Consultant | |
特別助理 | Special Assistant | |
廠長 | Factory Chief | |
副廠長 | Factory Sub-Chief | |
協理 | Director | |
協理 | Assistant Vice President | A.V.P. |
處長 | Director | |
副處長 | Vice Director | |
經理 | Manager | |
副理 | Assistant Manager | |
襄理 | Junior Manager | |
課長 | Section Manager | |
主任 | Supervisor | |
組長 | Team Leader | |
管理師 | Administrator | |
會計 | Accountant | |
稽核 | Auditor | |
工程師 | Engineer | |
作業員 | Operator | |
代表 | Reprisentive | |
秘書 | Secretary | |
專員 | Specialist | |
技術員 | Technician | |
助理 | Assistant |
物理治療師 |
Physical Therapist |
以上列出來一般公司在美國登廣告應徵人材,最常用的五十個英文工作職稱,可以找找看你的職業有沒有在上面 :)
另外分享,美國薪水最高的工作 TOP25 , 前二十五名 供參考 ,看來在美國最賺錢的工作,前十名高薪大多數都是醫生啊!
1 | 外科醫生 | Surgeons |
2 | 口腔頜面外科醫生 | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons |
3 | 產科醫生和婦科醫生 | Obstetricians and Gynecologists |
4 | 牙齒矯正 | Orthodontists |
5 | 內科醫生與外科醫生 | Physicians and Surgeons |
6 | 內科,一般 | Internists, General |
7 | 內科醫生與外科醫生,所有其他 | Physicians and Surgeons, All Other |
8 | 家庭和全科醫生 | Family and General Practitioners |
9 | 精神科醫生 | Psychiatrists |
10 | 執行總裁 | Chief Executives |
11 | 兒科醫生,一般 | Pediatricians, General |
12 | 牙醫,其他專家 | Dentists, All Other Specialists |
13 | 牙醫 | Dentists |
14 | 牙醫,一般 | Dentists, General |
15 | 麻醉護士 | Nurse Anesthetists |
16 | 石油工程師 | Petroleum Engineers |
17 | 建築和工程經理 | Architectural and Engineering Managers |
18 | 足病醫生 | Podiatrists |
19 | 市場部經理 | Marketing Managers |
20 | 自然科學經理 | Natural Sciences Managers |
21 | 計算機和信息系統經理 | Computer and Information Systems Managers |
22 | 律師 | Lawyers |
23 | 律師與司法律政書記 | Lawyers and Judicial Law Clerks |
24 | 航空公司飛行員,副駕駛員和飛行工程師 | Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers |
另外根據財富雜誌(The Fortune)報導各個不同領域的平均年薪如下
1. Pre-med $100,000
2. Computer systems engineering $85,000
3. Pharmacy $84,000
4. Chemical engineering $80,000
5. Electrical and electronics engineering $75,000
6. Mechanical engineering $75,000
7. Aerospace and aeronautical engineering $74,000
8. Computer science $73,000
9. Industrial engineering $73,000
10. Physics and astronomy $72,200
11. Civil engineering $70,000
12. Electrical and electronics engineering technology $65,000
13. Economics $63,300
14. Financial management $63,000
15. Mechanical engineering technology $63,000
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