
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack who lived in a small village. Jack was very curious and loved exploring new things. One day, he discovered a mysterious cave deep in the woods.

Excited to explore, Jack grabbed a flashlight and ventured into the cave. Inside, he found a hidden treasure chest filled with gold and jewels! Jack couldn't believe his eyes and was overjoyed with his discovery.

However, as he tried to leave the cave, Jack realized he was lost and didn't know the way out. He searched and searched, but couldn't find the exit. Feeling scared and alone, Jack started to cry.

Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out to him. It was his mother, who had been searching for him all along. She had followed his footprints and found him just in time.

Jack learned a valuable lesson that day - to always be careful when exploring new places and to never venture too far from home without letting someone know where he was going.

From then on, Jack promised to explore the world with his mother by his side.






傑克那天學到了一個寶貴的教訓 - 在探索新的地方時,要時刻小心,不要在沒有告訴別人自己去哪裡的情況下離家太遠。



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