逃出生天 The Flood 2 

The Flood: Inception Part Two is a puzzle game. The aim of the game is to stop your character from coming into contact with the lava by solving various physics puzzles. Tie things together, cut ropes, blow up bombs and press switches to save your character! Collect jewels on the way to increase your score! A hint from us is to take your time and experiment.


Flood - 洪水 水災   Character-角色           Tie- 拴 捆          Switch-開關     

Puzzle- 解謎、猜謎  Various-不同類型的     Cut- 剪             Jewels-寶石

Aim- 目標              Physics-物理             Blow up -爆詐     Increase- 增加

Place objects - Left Mouse Button         Press - 壓           Hint-提示



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