I know you...how about we say, "Be quiet!"
Uh, that means there's a firework coming.
I know, you belong...when we hear, say, "Shih," that means there's a firework coming.
Uh, okay.
I know...when it goes, "Shih," that means there's a firework here.
Uh, okay.
I know you belong to somebody new, "Shih!"
Let's check outside.
No fireworks out there.
But tonight you belong to me.
Although, we're apart...you'll say, "Although (although)." Uh, okay.
Although (although) we're apart
You're part of my heart
And tonight you belong to me
Way down by the stream
How sweet it will seem
Once more just to dream
In the moonlight
My honey I know
By the dawn that you will be gone, "Shih!"
What's the sound? Airplane.
But tonight you belong to me
Just to little old me
Way down by the stream
How sweet it will be
Once more just to dream
By the moonlight
My honey I know
By the dawn...Dad just sing it...
I know you belong to somebody new
And tonight you belong to me
Just to little old me
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Thank u Louise ^__^
Louise Tierney
Head of Sales for Content | Storyful.com
Phone: 01 537 0291