Lip Service 中文 , Lip Service 意思 , Lip Service 翻譯

  lip service 中文  

Lip Service 這句英文常用片語,我們常常在聽到讚美的英文後,會回應給對方的一句簡單英文話。
而Lip Service在中文是什麼意思呢? 

Pay Lip Service 在英文字典解釋是 If you say that someone pays lip service to an idea, you are critical of them.
翻譯成中文解釋中帶有二種英文意思,一種是嘲諷, 針對 ,隨便說說而已的意味,也就是台語說的幹話. 第二種是阿諛奉承.
He only pays lip service to buying me a big house.
He paid lip service to his boss because he wants to get promoted.
She paid lip service to this problem, but she did nothing to help.


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