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目前分類:實用英文發音矯正系列 (10)

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繞口令的英文是"Tongue Twisters"  Tongue是舌頭 Twister有纏繞的意昧 就是讓舌頭打結的意思....


A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly, and can be used as a type of spoken (or sung) word game. Some tongue-twisters produce results which are humorous (or humorously vulgar) when they are mispronounced, while others simply rely on the confusion and mistakes of the speaker for their amusement value. 



Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?



She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.



Red lorry, yellow lorry.



I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.



Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
And chuck as much as a woodchuck would
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.



Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?



If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?


When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?




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[如何快速利用Youtube影片 三十分鐘改變你的英文發音習慣]




1.發音正確的網路英英字典 讓你事半功倍


4.當然如果你的英文實力中級以上推薦可以直接參考"台大免費的英語語音學開放課程" 我覺得史嘉琳老師的語音學課程教導技巧非常好,而且還是免費開放課程!讓你對英文的發音技巧更上一層樓!





實用英文發音單字矯正-第一集如何唸英文數字- NUMBERS 0-10
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "U"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第二集"U"發音- UNIVERSITY --
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "Y"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第三集"Y"發音 YESTERDAY
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "V"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第四集"V" 發音-VERY
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "T"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第五集"T"發音 TOMORROW
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "S"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第六集"S"發音 'Schedule'
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "P"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第七集"P"發音 PROBABLY
(単語補正の実用英語の発音 - "F"の発音)
實用英文發音單字矯正-第八集"F"發音 FAVORITE


相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English

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Today I'm going over how to pronounce numbers 1 through 10.

Actually no, 0 - 10. To begin, zero.

Zero starts with the zz voiced Z sound [z] where the teeth come together: zz.

It then opens into the 'ee' as in 'she' vowel sound [i], ze-, so the jaw drops just a little bit and the corners of the lips pull back: ze-, zero.

It then has the R consonant sound [ɹ], zer-, so the tongue has to move up into that position, zero. And it ends with the 'oh' as in 'no' diphthong [oʊ].

Zero. One. One begins with the W consonant sound [w], so the lips form that very tight circle. O-, it then opens into the 'uh' as in 'butter' vowel sound [ʌ], with that very relaxed drop of the jaw, o-. The tongue then moves up into the N position [n].

One, one. This is pronounced the exact same way as the word won, as in, 'We won the game'. Two starts with the T sound: tt, tt, where the teeth are together, the tongue is behind them, tt, and pulls back to release air.


Two. It then has the 'oo' as in 'boo' vowel sound [u]. Two. And if you'll notice, the lips begin to take that position even - tt - before the T sound. Two, two. And this is pronounced the exact same way as the word too, T-O-O, as in, 'I want to go too'. Or, to, T-O, as in, 'He is going to the store', although to be honest, that word is often reduced to: t'.


He is going t' the store.Three. This begins with the unvoiced TH sound [θ]: th. Make sure your tongue comes through those teeth, it's the only way to make that sound. Th, th, thr-. It then pulls back into the R position. So your tongue will move from being through the teeth to being further up and back.


Thr-. Then the 'ee' as in 'she' vowel sound. Three, three. Four begins with the F sound, so the bottom lip must move up to the top teeth. Four. It then opens into the 'oh' as in 'no' diphthong, four, before moving into the R consonant sound. Four, four.Five. This word begins and ends with this, position of the lip coming up and touching the top teeth. It begins with the F sound, ff, and ends with the V sound, vv. So, the first is unvoiced and the second is voiced. It has the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong [aɪ] inbetween. Five, five, five. Notice that the V consonant sound at the end is very short.


Five. Six. Six begins and ends with the S consonant sound, unvoiced, six. The vowel sound is the 'ih' as in 'sit' vowel sound [ɪ]. We then have the K consonant sound, sik- sik-, where the tongue comes up here and pulls away to release air. Sik, six. And then finally, the S consonant sound again to end. Six.Seven also begins with the S consonant sound and opens into the 'eh' as in 'bed' vowel sound [ε]. Se-, se-. It then has the V consonant sound, sev-, where the lip moves up and touches the teeth, sev. And the final syllable is the schwa [ə] followed by the N sound, -en, -en. So the tongue, which is down, pulls up to lightly touch the roof of the mouth, -en, to make the N sound. Seven, seven.Eight. Eight has the 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong [eɪ] followed by the T sound, tt, where you release the air through the teeth, tt, by pulling the tongue away. Eight. This is pronounced the exact same way as the word A-T-E, as in, 'I ate that yesterday'.


Nine. Nine begins and ends with the N consonant sound, nn, nn, where the front part of the tongue is up against the roof of the mouth, nine. And in between those two sounds is the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong. Nine, nine. And ten. Ten has the 'eh' as in 'bed' vowel sound after, tt, the T sound: te-, te-, ten. Ten. You can see the tongue then has to move up to touch the roof of the mouth the make the N. Ten.



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 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
0:04the word 'university'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'university'. 'University' is a five-syllable word with
0:19secondary stress on the first syllable, and primary stress on the third syllable. U-ni-ver-si-ty.
0:29University. It begins with the 'ju' diphthong, uni-, uni-. Then we have the N consonant sound
0:38and the schwa in the second syllable, which is unstressed. So, the tongue tip will go
0:42to the roof of the mouth for the N, uni-, uni-. Then we have the stressed syllable -ver-.
0:51It begins with the V consonant sound, so the bottom lip will come and make contact with
0:56the bottom of the top front teeth, vv, vv. Univer-. The vowel sound is the UR as in HER
1:06vowel, -ver-, -ver-, so you don't need much jaw drop for that. The tongue will pull back,
1:12and make contact here with the roof of the mouth, or the insides of the teeth. Univer-sity.
1:20Then we have two unstressed syllables that will be flat, lower in pitch and volume, -sity,
1:26sity. I want to point out, we have a T here between two vowel sounds. That means it's
1:31going to be a flap, not a True T, -sity, -sity, -sity. University. University.
1:39He teaches at New York University.
1:43That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
1:50word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
1:55watch it.
1:57That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


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 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over pronunciation of the
0:05word 'yesterday'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'yesterday'. This is a three-syllable word with stress
0:19on the first syllable. Yesterday, yesterday. It begins with the Y consonant sound, yy,
0:28yy, where the front part of the tongue raises and touches the roof of the mouth here, yy.
0:34The tongue tip stays down. Many Spanish speakers will want to say jj, jj, and make a jj sound
0:41instead, with the tip of the tongue up. We want to keep the tip of the tongue down. Ye-,
0:46ye-, ye-. Then we have the EH as in BED vowel. So, the jaw does need to drop for that. Ye-,
0:55ye-. The syllable ends with the ST consonant cluster. Yest-, st, st, and then we have the
1:04schwa/R sound. Yester-, yester-, er, er, er. It's unstressed, so it's going to be lower
1:11in pitch, a little quieter, yester-, er. A lot of people will want to make this just
1:16an 'uh' sound. Yest-uh, yest-uh. That's not right. To get the R sound, make sure your
1:22tongue pulls back and up into that position. Yester-, yester-. And finally, -day. The D
1:29consonant sound, and the AY as in SAY diphthong. Make sure you drop your jaw for the first
1:35half of that diphthong. Da-, day, day. Yesterday. I got it yesterday.
1:45That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
1:51word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
1:57watch it.
1:59That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


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 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
0:05the word 'very'.
0:14This week's Word of the Week is 'very'. 'Very' is a two-syllable word with stress on the
0:20first syllable. Ver-y, ver-y, very, very. It begins with the V consonant sound. If you
0:31come from India, look out. You might want to make it a [w], ww, where your lips round.
0:36But it's a V, vv, where the bottom lip comes up and makes contact with the top teeth. Vv,
0:43vv, ve-. Then we have the EH as in BED vowel. The jaw needs to drop for that. Ve-, ve-.
0:51Next we have the R consonant. That can be tough. And in this word a lot of people will
0:56want to flap the R, where the front part of the tongue bounces off the roof of the mouth.
1:01We do not want this position. We want this position, where the middle part of the tongue
1:05stretches up and touches the roof of the mouth, about here. Ver-. The front part of the tongue
1:12doesn't touch anything, and you should be able to hold out that sound. Very. And finally,
1:19the EE as in SHE vowel, unstressed, to finish the word. Very, very. I'm very sorry.
1:29That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with
1:36the word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't
1:42wait to watch it.
1:43That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
0:05the word 'tomorrow'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'tomorrow'. 'Tomorrow' is a three-syllable word with stress
0:19on the middle syllable. So, we have da-DA-da. Tomorrow, tomorrow. The first syllable follows
0:29the same rules as the word 'to'. So, the vowel will reduce to the schwa. To-, to-, just like
0:36the word 'to'. You may even make the first sound, the True T, a Flap T, depending on
0:42the sound before. Check out the video on how to say the word 'to' for those rules.
0:49The second syllable, stressed, begins with the M consonant sound: tom-, tom-, tom-. Then
0:56we have the AH as in FATHER vowel, so the jaw will need to drop. Tomo-, tomo-. Then
1:03the tongue will pull back and up for the R consonant sound. Tomor-. And the jaw will
1:09close for that somewhat as the tongue raises towards the roof of the mouth: tomor-, tomor-.
1:17And finally, in the last syllable, we have the OH as in NO diphthong. Tomorrow, tomorrow.
1:24So make sure your lips round for that. Tomorrow. What are you gonna do tomorrow? Did you notice?
1:31I didn't make a True T, I made it a Flap. Do tomorrow. Do to-, do to-, do tomorrow.
1:37What are you going to do tomorrow?
1:41That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with
1:47the word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't
1:53wait to watch it.
1:55That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


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 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
0:05the word 'probably'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'probably'. 'Probably' is a three-syllable word, but some
0:19people will reduce it to two syllables. The first syllable is stressed. We begin with
0:25the PR consonant cluster, pr-, pr-. So the lips are together for the P, but the tongue
0:30can already be in position for the R. Pr-, pr-, pro-. The first vowel is the AH as in
0:38FATHER sound. The jaw does need to drop for that: pro-, pro-. The second syllable, unstressed,
0:45proba-, -ba-, is the B consonant, where the lips come together, and the schwa sound. Proba-,
0:53proba-. And the last syllable, the B consonant, and then the LY ending. Proba-bly, -bly. So
1:01the lips come together for the B, and the tongue tip comes up here for the L, -bl-,
1:06-bl-. And then we have the EE as in SHE vowel. Probably, probably.
1:13As I said, some people will reduce this to two syllables, so you might here pro-bly,
1:18-bly, without the middle syllable. Prob-ly, prob-ly. And sometimes you'll hear it without
1:25the B at all: 'prolly', 'prolly', 'prolly'. Both of these reductions are used a lot.
1:33For example: prob-ly: I'll probably be there. Prob-ly, prob-ly.
1:38Or, 'prolly', 'prolly'. I'll probably forget. 'Prolly', 'prolly'.
1:44That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
1:51word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
1:57watch it.
1:58That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Back to >  實用英文矯正發音-利用YOUTUBE影片快速矯正英文發音

 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
0:05the word 'probably'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'probably'. 'Probably' is a three-syllable word, but some
0:19people will reduce it to two syllables. The first syllable is stressed. We begin with
0:25the PR consonant cluster, pr-, pr-. So the lips are together for the P, but the tongue
0:30can already be in position for the R. Pr-, pr-, pro-. The first vowel is the AH as in
0:38FATHER sound. The jaw does need to drop for that: pro-, pro-. The second syllable, unstressed,
0:45proba-, -ba-, is the B consonant, where the lips come together, and the schwa sound. Proba-,
0:53proba-. And the last syllable, the B consonant, and then the LY ending. Proba-bly, -bly. So
1:01the lips come together for the B, and the tongue tip comes up here for the L, -bl-,
1:06-bl-. And then we have the EE as in SHE vowel. Probably, probably.
1:13As I said, some people will reduce this to two syllables, so you might here pro-bly,
1:18-bly, without the middle syllable. Prob-ly, prob-ly. And sometimes you'll hear it without
1:25the B at all: 'prolly', 'prolly', 'prolly'. Both of these reductions are used a lot.
1:33For example: prob-ly: I'll probably be there. Prob-ly, prob-ly.
1:38Or, 'prolly', 'prolly'. I'll probably forget. 'Prolly', 'prolly'.
1:44That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
1:51word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
1:57watch it.
1:58That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Back to >  實用英文矯正發音-利用YOUTUBE影片快速矯正英文發音

 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of
the word 'favorite'.

This week's Word of the Week is 'favorite'. It can be pronounced with three syllables,
but most of the time you'll hear it with two, favorite, favorite. So, it begins with the
F consonant sound, ff, ff, then we have the AY as in SAY diphthong. Make sure your jaw
drops for that first sound of the diphthong, fa-, fa-. Then we have the V consonant sound,
same position as the F, only this time it's voiced, fav- fav. And the R consonant, IH
as in SIT vowel, T, -rite, -rite. It's unstressed. -rite. We may release the T, to make a True
T sound, or we may keep the tongue up in the T position, and not release the T, making
it a stop sound. Favorite, favorite, or favorite, favorite, with a light release. Favorite.
This is my favorite restaurant.

That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
watch it.

That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.


Back to >  實用英文矯正發音-利用YOUTUBE影片快速矯正英文發音

 相關教學影片來源 :請大家支持   Rachel's English




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