
       目前台灣的食品安全問題(Food safety scandal)己經到了一個無法掌控的情況,官員的處理情況就跟面對伊波拉病毒(EBOLA)一樣,非但沒有辦法掌控油品的流向也沒辦法清楚廠商的進貨來源,下次會再爆發什麼樣的食品安全問題呢?大多數的台灣人民也不太知道,為什麼通過食品安全檢查(The Food Safety and Inspection Service)的食品一再的出現錯誤,讓人民對於政府又一再的失去信心。


So Angry!!! I've been feeding my daughter this milk!! This company has been putting terrible things in this milk!!! I'm pissed. Fuck them! And if the government officials don't come down firmly on these companies, closing them down, then they too should go to jail!!!! 

(Children, I'm sorry for swearing but there needs to start being some people punished in this irresponsible government for hurting the people of Taiwan! In other governments they would choose to resign for such a terrible act against the people!!!)




2014 Taiwan food scandal

The series of incidents first came to light on 4 September 2014, when it was discovered that tainted cooking oil was being produced by Kaohsiung-based company Chang Guann Co. (強冠企業) and branded as Chuan Tung Fragrant Lard Oil (全統香豬油).[5] The company was found to have blended cooking oil with recycled oil, grease and leather cleaner.

From Wikipedia 


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