維基百科:Scalping, when used in reference to trading in securities, commodities and foreign exchange
Urban字典解釋:Someone who purchases large quantities of goods (usually tickets) early with the sole intention of re-selling them at a higher price at a later date (closer to the event).
scalped tickets 黃牛票-When buying scalped tickets, you're going to need to learn how to negotiate with the Scalper.
巡迴告別演唱會- The Farewell Concert tour
維基百科:A farewell tour is a concert or show tour intended to signal the retirement of a singer, a disbanding of a band, or the end of a show's run.
維基百科:A fan, is a person who is enthusiastically devoted to something or somebody, such as a band, a sports team, a book or entertainer. Collectively
一票難求-Hard-to-Get Tickets
It can be very Hard-to-Get Tickets、It can be very difficult to get tickets
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