I'd like a window seat, please.我想要一個靠窗的座位.
Do you have anything to declare? 你有需要申報的東西嗎?
Can I see your ticket and passport, please? 我能看到你的機票和護照嗎?
I have a laptop computer and some books. 我有一台筆電和一些書。
Could I have Coke with no ice? 我想要一杯不加冰的可樂.
At which carrousel will our luggage be? 我們的行李箱會在哪個轉盤?
Excuse me , I'd like some information about flight XE-2019 to Kaohsiung. 不好意思,我想請問關於前往高雄航班XE-2019的一些資訊.
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機場常用英文 | ||
1 | Air ticket | 飛機票 |
2 | Airfare | 機票 |
3 | Airline | 航空公司 |
4 | Arrivals | 到達 |
5 | Baggage reclaim | 行李認領 |
6 | Boarding pass | 登機牌 |
7 | Boarding time | 登機時間 |
8 | Cancelled | 取消 |
9 | Check in | 報到 |
10 | Declaration-form | 申報表 |
11 | Delayed | 延遲 |
12 | Departures | 出港 |
13 | Flights | 機票 |
14 | Free shuttle bus | 免費穿梭巴士 |
15 | Gate | 登機門 |
16 | Layover | 轉機 |
17 | Lost and Found | 失物招領 |
18 | Luggage | 行李 |
19 | On time | 準時 |
20 | One-way (ticket) | 單程票) |
21 | Passport | 護照 |
22 | Taxis station | 出租車站 |
23 | Terminal | 總站 |
座位相關 | ||
1 | Aisle seats | 靠走道座位 |
2 | Bulkhead | 靠近艙壁(有牆) |
3 | Business class | 商務艙 |
4 | Economy class | 經濟艙 |
5 | Exit row | 出口的位置 |
6 | First class | 頭等艙 |
7 | Rows | 第幾排 |
8 | Standard | 標準 |
9 | Window seats | 靠窗座位 |
餐點相關 | ||
1 | Allergies | 過敏 |
2 | Kosher | 合猶太人戒律 |
3 | Specialty meals | 特色餐 |
4 | Vegetarian | 素食主義者 |
5 | Beef Pork Chicken | 牛肉、豬肉、雞肉 |
其它物品 | ||
1 | Blanket | 毛毯 |
2 | Headphones | 耳機 |
3 | Pillows | 枕頭 |
4 | Slippers | 拖鞋 |
5 | Wet Towel | 濕毛巾 |
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