I’m absolutely positive 我真的很確定!
當有人問你 - Are you sure you know how to get there? 你真的確定如何到那裡嗎?
你就可以回答 - I’m absolutely positive 我真的很確定!
當有人問你- Are you sure you want to change ? 你真的要改變嗎?
你就可以回答 - I’m absolutely positive 我真的很確定!
所以當有人問你問題而且是你百分百確定的情況! 你就可以回答 I’m absolutely positive !
我很確定你也會像我一樣愛上它 ! I'm absolutely positive you will love this as much as I do!
I am pretty sure! 我很肯定!
I'm quite sure! 我很確定!
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