0:00In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over pronunciation of the
0:05word 'yesterday'.
0:13This week's Word of the Week is 'yesterday'. This is a three-syllable word with stress
0:19on the first syllable. Yesterday, yesterday. It begins with the Y consonant sound, yy,
0:28yy, where the front part of the tongue raises and touches the roof of the mouth here, yy.
0:34The tongue tip stays down. Many Spanish speakers will want to say jj, jj, and make a jj sound
0:41instead, with the tip of the tongue up. We want to keep the tip of the tongue down. Ye-,
0:46ye-, ye-. Then we have the EH as in BED vowel. So, the jaw does need to drop for that. Ye-,
0:55ye-. The syllable ends with the ST consonant cluster. Yest-, st, st, and then we have the
1:04schwa/R sound. Yester-, yester-, er, er, er. It's unstressed, so it's going to be lower
1:11in pitch, a little quieter, yester-, er. A lot of people will want to make this just
1:16an 'uh' sound. Yest-uh, yest-uh. That's not right. To get the R sound, make sure your
1:22tongue pulls back and up into that position. Yester-, yester-. And finally, -day. The D
1:29consonant sound, and the AY as in SAY diphthong. Make sure you drop your jaw for the first
1:35half of that diphthong. Da-, day, day. Yesterday. I got it yesterday.
1:45That's it, your Word of the Week. Try it out yourself. Make up a sentence with the
1:51word, record it, and post it as a video response to this video on YouTube. I can't wait to
1:57watch it.
1:59That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.
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