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每週英文練習句:When in Rome do as the Romans do 入境隨俗

目前分類:搞笑影片學英文系列 (9)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


圖片翻拍自網路 作者:HooplaHa

前幾天網路瘋傳一段非常有趣的影片"How to aviod a bath"作者收集了8段搞笑的毛小孩和小朋友拒絕去洗澡的影片,利用Youtube學習英文是目前最流行的自學英文方式,讓我們一邊欣賞搞笑影片,一邊學習簡單的英文單字吧。


How to aviod a bath 


1.Forget how to walk 


2.Never stop moving 


3.Play "Dead"


4.Hang on to somthing


5.Do something adorable


6.Don't fall for bribes


7.Act "Dumb"


8.Drink all of the water 





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圓仔愛吃中國菜後, 看來不吃"圓仔起司"還不行呢


Buddy Holly

Just you know why 
why you and I 
will by and by 
know true love ways 

Sometimes we'll sigh 
sometimes we'll cry 
and we'll know why 
just you and I 
know true love ways 

Throughout the days 
our true love ways 
will bring us joys to share 
with those who really care 

Sometimes we'll sigh 
sometimes we'll cry 
and we''ll know why 
just you and I 
know true love ways 

Throughout the days 
our true love ways 
will bring us joys to share 
with those who really care 

Sometimes we'll sigh 
sometimes we'll cry 
and we'll know why 
just you and I 
know true love ways



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(Alison Gold唱)
After balling, I go clubbing 打完球後我去跑趴
Then I’m hugging 然後又抱抱
Then I’m hungry and I’m walking on the street 然後餓著肚子逛大街
And I’m getting getting getting getting grumpy grumpy 然後變得變得變得變得有點不爽不爽
I see Chow, by my right 頭往右撇,突然看到「炒」字
I smell food in the air 我聞到空氣中食物的味道
It’s Chinese Food, my favorite 是中國菜,我的最愛!
So I’m getting getting getting getting hungry 所以肚子有點有點有點有點餓

(Chorus x2 副歌2次)
I love Chinese food (Yeah) 我愛中國菜 (耶)
You know that it’s true (Yeah) 你知道是真的 (耶)
I love fried rice (Yeah) 我愛炒飯 (耶)
I love noodles (Yeah) 我愛麵 (耶)
I love Chow mein 我愛炒麵
Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein 炒ㄇ-ㄇ-ㄇ-ㄇ-麵

Read the menu 看下菜單
They got broccoli 他們有花椰菜
Even chicken wings 也有雞翅
Make it spicy 做成辣的
And you like it 你會喜歡
Cause it’s beautiful 因為這真美妙
And it tastes so so so good 而且吃起來真-真-真-好
I like their egg rolls 我喜歡蛋捲
And their Wonton soup 還有餛飩湯
This makes me feel so so good 讓我感覺真正好
Fortune cookies, tell my future 中國簽餅預知我的未來
Chinese Chinese Food 中國中國菜

(Chorus x2 回到副歌2次)

(Patrice Wilson唱)
Yo! 唷!
I like Chinese food 我喜歡中國菜
And some Wonton soup 還有餛飩湯
Get me broccoli 給我花椰菜
While I play Monopoly 玩大富翁時
Don’t be a busy bee 就別忙了
Cause it’s your fantasy 因為這是你最美妙的體驗
To eat Chinese food 能夠吃到中國菜
Egg roll and Chop Suey 蛋捲和雜碎 (一道美洲中國菜名為「李鴻章雜碎」)
I use the chopsticks 我用筷子
To eat pot sticks 吃鍋貼
Put some hot sauce and sweet and sour make it sweet 加點辣加點甜又加點酸讓他更美味
Because Chinese food takes away my stress 因為中國菜消除我的一切壓力
Now I’m going to go eat Panda Express 現在我要去吃熊貓快餐 (美國連鎖中國餐館名)

(Chorus x2回到副歌2次)




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Drunk Idiot Dances, Takes Off Pants,

Drops a Split and Rips Hamstring.

Oh the look on his face at the end says it all.

Hey guys, just remember, never try and impress a crowd by doing

a split, especially if you are over 30






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Worst exit a parking EVER!







再來比較看看新加坡的停車技術!(英文字幕可以學一些英文 XD)

應觀眾要求再補上免費flash停車小遊戲, 看看有沒有比影片中的車主們厲害啊!  



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Short Film 'The Restaurant Couple'.A slice of life... a restaurant conversation gets out of hand.

A cheesy conversation and a life turning experience. 


Key words:

keep the gloves off for now, atleast
grumpy routine
metamorhosized into

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Only one sentence ''Can i make a quick phone call?'' or "May I borrow your phone"

How To Get ANY Guy's Phone Number 

影片一開始居然是去擾亂別人的男朋友!還白目問說怎可能是你女朋友真的是XD! ARE U SURE ? 



How To Get ANY Girl's Phone Number



1. Haven't we met before? 我們之前見過吧?
2. You look like someone I know. 你跟我一位朋友長的好像。
3. Can I buy you a drink? 我可以請你喝一杯嗎?
4. You have a great smile. 你的笑容很美。
5. Are you here alone? 你一個人在這裡嗎?
6. Like to dance? 想跳舞嗎?


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 I knew he would be surprised but I didn't expect this reaction!

Another update: lost619 reminded me that he didn't know how to unlock iOS 7 because the swipe bar was missing. After I showed him he said he didn't like it and wanted the old one back. He was fine with everything until he realized that it wasn't a simple setting to switch back. I was using the iPad he was upset about to film this, that's why you don't see him using it.

Update: My son doesn't own an iPhone or really much of anything, he's 4. I updated my iPad with iOS 7 and he uses it when I'm not. He wasn't upset until I told him we couldn't go back to iOS 6. He's a cool kid that doesn't like change much, deal with it.

 翻譯:我告訴兒子說~一切已經回不去的時候 他忍不住哭了....... T_T

Apple另一面的溫馨廣告 Misunderstood


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If you have such a girlfriend, it must be very happy day!



Jesse has been playing his new video game, Grand Theft Auto 5, practically nonstop since he got it.It's been consuming all of his time and now it's ridiculous. I personally, do think the game is pretty cool, but it's kinda annoying how he won't stop playing! I put matters into my own hands to attempt to get him to chill out with the gaming. I filled up automatic water guns to spray him. I put an awful smelling fart bomb under his chair, shocked him with a shock pen, sparked a fake fire flame explosion in front of him. Nylah, our cat, even took a dive at him. I scared him with an airhorn, made some beats with a homemade water bottle/ box drum, and blew a loud whistle in his face. I even tied a rope onto his chair to pull him away from the TV. Best of all. I wrapped tape all around his face, headset and chair! If you are wondering if it worked, yes, he finally stopped playing! haha.

Do you have a boyfriend who games too much, or a brother, or friend? Has it gotten out of hand? Are they hogging the TV? Well.... I have the perfect solution for you!!! Hehe ;) Just try some of these things and see what happens. 


《俠盜獵車手5》 這遊戲實在太強大了 , 男人必敗的遊戲之一啊





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