The Magic Paintbrush
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a kind and curious boy named Leo. He loved to draw, but he only had a tiny piece of charcoal to sketch on the ground.
One day, while exploring the forest, he found a shiny golden paintbrush lying under a big oak tree.
Excited, Leo picked it up and tried drawing a butterfly.
To his surprise, the butterfly came to life and flew away! Leo realized this was no ordinary paintbrush—it was magical! Leo ran back to the village and started drawing things that people needed. He drew food for the hungry, warm clothes for the cold, and even a small house for an old woman who had nowhere to live.
The villagers were amazed and grateful. One day, a greedy man heard about Leo’s magic paintbrush. He went to Leo and said, "Draw me a bag of gold!" But Leo refused. "The paintbrush is meant to help people, not for greed," he said.
The greedy man became angry and tried to grab the paintbrush, but Leo quickly drew a strong wind that blew the man far away! From that day on, Leo used his magic paintbrush only for kindness and to help others. The village became a happier place, full of love and joy.
And so, Leo and his magical paintbrush continued to spread happiness wherever they went. Moral of the story: True magic lies in kindness and helping others.