Prisons and probation 一般坐牢跟緩刑的規定
1.Letters and telephone calls 信件跟電話
Most letters sent to and from prison are checked by prison staff.
The prisoner has to call you using a prison phone.
2.The internet and social media 網路使用跟一般交流媒體
You mustn’t update any social networking website (eg Facebook or Twitter) on the prisoner’s behalf.
3.Banned items 違禁品
It’s a criminal offence to send or give a prisoner: 以下是危法的危禁品
illegal drugs 違法藥品
alcohol 酒
weapons 武器
a camera 照相機
a mobile phone 行動電話
4.Sending money 寄錢交付
You can send money to a prisoner. Cheques or postal orders are preferred, but you can also send cash.
5.Visiting someone in prison 探犯在監獄的人
A convicted prisoner is allowed at least two 1-hour visits every 4 weeks.
已經確定被定罪的犯人可以4週探訪一次 2小時的時間
A prisoner on remand (waiting for their trial) is allowed three 1-hour visits a week.
還押中的犯人(還沒定罪)可以允許每週三次 1小時的時間
6.Get help with travel costs to prison 輔助您到監獄探犯的費用
You may be eligible if you’re claiming: 如果你申請通過可以有以下的選擇
Income Support 收入補助
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance 基本的失業津貼
Employment and Support Allowance 一般員工津貼
Universal Credit (不同的信用額度補助)
Tax credits
Pension Credit
以上純粹練習參考資料 希望大家都用不到 XD