New | Exsample | 詞性 | Tport |
Honor | On this day we honor our mothers | N or Vt | N. 尊敬 v.t 給與榮耀 |
household | it is a lage household. | n or adj | n.一家人 adj 家庭的 |
poet | John Keats was a great poet | n | 詩人 |
patriot | people pay their respects to the patriots | n | 愛國者 |
kingdom | it is a huge kingdom. | n | 王國 |
defy | before I defied my fate | v | 反抗 |
drown | the young boy was drowned in the river | v | 淹死 |
greatly | I was greatly moved by his kindness | adv | 非常地,大大地 |
suicide | suicide 's bad word for people | n | 自殺 |
feast | I like the midnight teast in their tent | n | 宴會 |
crop | farmers grow many kinds of crops in Taiwan | n | 農作物 |
catalog | did you read this card catalog | n | 目錄 |
guide | I am a tourist guide | n | 指南 |
alphabetical | put these words in alphabetical order | adv | 依字母順序的 |
author | the author of this book is Japanese | n | 作者 |
material | the writing materials are on the desk | n | 資料,原料 材料 |
deposit | how much money do you want to deposit | v | 存放 |
checkbook | this is my checkbook | n | 支票簿 |
against | vote against | prep | 與…方向相反 ,逆著 |
weapon | we don't have weapons | n | 武器 |
section | this section of the road is being repaired | n | 區域,章節 部份 |
appliance | I have electrical appliances in my kitchen | n | 用具,器具 |
cosmetics | young girls like to keep their cosmetics in. | n adj | 化妝品 |
refrigerator | a refrigerator keeps food cool. | n | 冰箱 |
Instance | take another instance | n | 例子 |
distance | We still have a long distance to go | n | 距離 |
telex | telex him to come | n | 電傳系統 |
reasonable | the price seems reasonable | adj | 合理的 |
economical | it is not economical to eat out every day | adj | 節儉的 |
shorten | drinking too much can shorten one's life. | v | 縮短 |
abbreviate | dr. is an abbreviation for doctor | v | 縮寫 |
military | a military school | adj | 軍事 |
direct | telephone communication is direct and fast | adj | 直接的 |
rather | the price is rather reasonable | adv | 相當,在某種程度上 |
statistics | educational statistics | n | 統計學 or 數據 |
predict | what's your prediction for this election | v | 預計 |
election | losing the election | n | 選舉 |
forecast | the weatherman has forecasted a typhoon | v | 預測 |
fortune | have a good fortune | n | 運氣 or 命運 |
electronic | mark took an electonic course last year | adj | 電子的 |
process | it is process data very quickly | v | 處理 |
function | a man can"t good function well without a good brain | v | 有效用 |
intention | it's not my intention to avenge you | n | 意圖 目的 |
fixed | fixed according to the lunar calendar | adj | 按照 |
lunar | Many asian countries use the lunar calendar | n | 月球的 |
reunions | It's a time for family reunions | n | 團聚 |
commemorate | to commemorate the patriotic poet Chu Yuan | v | 紀念 |
budget | it's necessary to make a buget | n | 預算 |
rent | the rent in taipei is hight | n | 房租 |
subtract | subtract 2 from 6, and you have 4 left | v | 減少, 扣除 |
realize | I realized that I had to get money | v | 了解 知道 |
impulse | Davy is not a person of impulse | n | 突然的慾望 |
within | she always stays within her budget | pp | 範圍 |
bear | vt he could not bear to see the flowers die | Vt(及物) n | 具有感情 不忍心 |
branches | they knocked the flowers off their branches | n | 樹枝 |
chase | my dog likes chasing rabooits | Vt(及物) | 追趕 |
hang hung | hang it from a large tree. | vt or vi | 掛著 垂下 |
bookkeeping | Bookkeeping is an important accounting tool | n | 簿記 |
essential | water is essential to human beings | adj | 必要的 極其重要的;不可或缺的,絕對必要的, |
equip | it use electronic and mechanical equipment | v | 裝備 裝置 |
principle | Archimedes principle | n | 原則 原理 |
accurate | Accurate statistics | Adj | 精確 精準 |
meticulous | she is meticulous in her presentation of facts | Adj | 細心的 |
proper | proper place | Adj | 適當的 |
transaction | we should record every transaction | n | 交易 |
twofold | these rules have a twofold effect. | adj | 雙重的 |
yield | stock yield | n | 收益 |
routine | many people don't like to do routine work | n | 例行 慣例 |
complex | this is a complex sentence | adj | 複雜的 難懂的 |
increasingly | my work is getting increasingly difficult | adv | 逐漸的 愈來愈多 |
aspect | there are several important aspects necessary to be a good student. | n | 方面 |
dials | he dials 104 and asks the information | v | 撥電話 |
recognize | she had changed so much I didn"t recognize her. | v | 辦識出 認出 |
creative | I must be a creative man | adj | 有創造力的 |
indecisive | I am so indecisive | adj | 不能下定決心的 |
patient | you were very patient to wait half an hour for me | adj | 有耐心的 |
treat | our boss treats all his employess very well. | v | 照顧 |
colony | the colony | n | 殖民地 |
hive | bess sometimes build their hives in trees | n | 蜂巢 |
drone | drones live very short lives | n | 雄峰 |
guard | we need brave soliders to guard our country | n | 保護 |
nectar | nectar is a sweet liquid. | n | 蜂蜜 |
force | the mother forced her son to eat veagetables | v.n | 強迫 |
protrait | protrait of a girl in glass | n | 畫像 |