海洋之歌(Song of the sea)是由奧斯卡獎提名導演Tomm 摩爾執導2014年的愛爾蘭奇幻動畫電影。首演在2014年多倫多國際電影節 這部電影描繪了一段非常淒美的愛情故事
This is an ancient shell that my mother gave me a long time ago.
Hold it to your ear and listen carefully.
You'll hear the song of the sea.
I'm so sorry.
Say hello to Saoirse.
She is not safe in this awful place!
Oh, Granny.
She is going to try and make us move to the city again.
At last we found her!
Saoirse, run!
Those stories that mom told me,
they're all true.
Are you really...
a selkie?
What's happening to you?
All of us are connected.
And we're all sharing her fate.
I have to find her!
在你還沒到戲院看《Song of the Sea》之前,可以先看預告片熱身一下,看電影預告學英文也是一種不錯的方式喔,不用花太多時間,又可以輕鬆學英文!
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