搭火車常用英文-歐洲、美洲 、出門遊遊必備英文句、常用旅遊英文
交通 (會持續更新資料)
How much is a ticket to London? 去倫敦的票多少錢?
Where is the station? 車站在哪?
Where can we buy tickets? 我們在哪裡買票?
What time will the train to London? 火車什麼時候到倫敦?
Where is platform number 1 ? 1號月台在哪裡?
What is the cheapest way to get from Bournemouth to Europe?
What is the fastest way to get from Bournemouth to Europe?
How far is it from Bournemouth to Europe?
Platform | 月台 |
Station | 車站 |
Stop | 停靠站 |
ticket | 車票 |
Fares | 票價 |
depart | 離開 |
Return | 返回 |
Eurail Pass | 歐洲火車通行證 |
Iconic city | 指標性城市 |
One-way ticket | 單程票 |
A round trip | 來回票 |
Infants go free | 嬰兒免費 |
Suburban trains | 郊區火車 |
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