

1 It's great to see you again      很高興再次見到你     
2 How can I assist you      我能為您提供什麽幫助?    
3 Let's get started on this project      讓我們開始這個項目的工作吧     
4 Could you give me a status update      你能給我一個最新的狀態嗎?    
5 Sorry, I didn't catch that      Can you repeat it, please      對不起,我沒聽清,請你重覆一遍。    
6 I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking      Could you clarify      對不起,我不知道你在問什麽,你能澄清一下嗎?    
7 We need to schedule a meeting to discuss this further      我們需要安排一次會議,進一步討論這個問題。    
8 That's a great idea!      這是個好主意!     
9 Can we set up a time to chat about this      我們能否安排一個時間來討論這個問題?    
10 Please send me an email with more details      請給我發一封郵件,說明更多細節     
11 I'll make sure to follow up on this      我一定會跟進此事的。    
12 Let me know if you need any help      如果你需要任何幫助,請告訴我     
13 I'm running a little late, can we push the meeting back by 10 minutes      我有點晚了,我們能否將會議推遲10分鐘?    
14 This project is a top priority for our team      這個項目是我們團隊的首要任務     
15 Can we meet in person to discuss this issue      我們能不能見面討論一下這個問題     
16 I have a conflict at that time, can we reschedule      我在那個時間段有沖突,我們能不能重新安排時間?    
17 I'm not comfortable with that proposal      我對這個提議不滿意     
18 We need to review the budget before we proceed      在我們繼續之前,我們需要審查預算     
19 Do you have any questions about the project      你對這個項目有什麽問題嗎?    
20 Thanks for letting me know      謝謝你讓我知道     
21 I'll make a note of that      我會記下這一點     
22 Please keep me updated on any changes      如果有任何變化,請及時通知我     
23 Let's aim to finish this project by the end of the week      我們的目標是在本周末前完成這個項目。    
24 What's your opinion on this matter      你對這件事有什麽看法     
25 Can you provide more details about the proposal      你能不能提供更多關於該提案的細節     
26 I'll need to consult with my team before making a decision      我需要與我的團隊協商後再做決定     
27 We should brainstorm some ideas for how to tackle this problem      我們應該集思廣益,想出一些辦法來解決這個問題     
28 Let's aim to have a draft of the report by next week      我們的目標是在下周前完成報告的草稿     
29 I'm not sure I fully understand the scope of this project      我不確定我是否完全理解這個項目的範圍     
30 Can we schedule a call to discuss this further      我們能不能安排一個電話,進一步討論這個問題     
31 Let's take a break and reconvene in 15 minutes      我們先休息一下,15分鐘後再開會。    
32 I'll send you a calendar invite for the meeting      我會給你發一個會議的日歷邀請。    
33 It's important that we stay within budget for this project      重要的是,我們要把這個項目控制在預算之內     
34 We need to allocate more resources to this initiative      我們需要為這個項目分配更多的資源     
35 Let's prioritize the most important tasks first      讓我們先確定最重要的任務的優先次序     
36 I'll send you a copy of the agenda before the meeting      我會在會議前給你發一份議程的副本     
37 This project is behind schedule, we need to work overtime to catch up      這個項目已經落後於計劃,我們需要加班加點來追趕。    
38 Let's make sure we have all the necessary materials before we begin      讓我們在開始之前確保我們有所有必要的材料     
39 Could you give me a rough estimate of the timeline for this project      你能不能給我一個關於這個項目時間表的粗略估計?    
40 We should run some tests to make sure the product is functioning properly      我們應該進行一些測試,以確保產品功能正常。    
41 Can we have a one-on-one meeting to discuss your progress      我們能否舉行一次一對一的會議,討論你的進展情況?    
42 We need to have a contingency plan in case things don't go as planned      我們需要有一個應急計劃,以防事情沒有按計劃進行     
43 I'll need to consult with our legal team before moving forward      在前進之前,我需要與我們的法律團隊協商     
44 Let's schedule a training session to ensure everyone is on the same page      讓我們安排一次培訓會議,以確保每個人都在同一起跑線上     
45 We need to revise the proposal to better align with our goals      我們需要修改提案,使其更符合我們的目標     
46 Can we get the marketing team involved in this project      我們能否讓營銷團隊參與到這個項目中來?    
47 We should conduct some market research before launching the product      在推出產品之前,我們應該進行一些市場調查。    
48 Can you provide a breakdown of the costs associated with this project      你能提供這個項目的相關費用明細嗎?    
49 We need to collaborate more effectively to get this project done on time      我們需要更有效地合作以按時完成這個項目。    
50 I appreciate your input on this matter      我很感謝你在這個問題上的意見     
51 Let's schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the results      讓我們安排一次後續會議來討論結果。    
52 Can you provide more data to support your findings      你能否提供更多的數據來支持你的發現     
53 Let's make sure we have a clear objective before starting this project      在開始這個項目之前,讓我們確保我們有一個明確的目標  
54 We should get feedback from our customers before finalizing the design      在做出決定之前,我需要與我們的財務團隊討論這個問題。    
55 Can we set up a cross-functional team to work on this project      我們能否成立一個跨職能的團隊來完成這個項目?    
56 Let's make sure we have a backup plan in case of unexpected challenges      讓我們確保我們有一個備份計劃,以應對意外的挑戰     
57 We need to make sure we're in compliance with all regulations      我們需要確保我們符合所有的規定     
58 Can we schedule a call with the vendor to discuss pricing      我們能否安排與供應商的通話,討論價格問題     
59 We need to improve communication among team members to avoid misunderstandings      我們需要改善團隊成員之間的溝通以避免誤解     
60 Let's make sure everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities      讓我們確保每個人都清楚自己的角色和責任     
61 Can we have a trial period to test the product before committing to a long-term contract      在簽訂長期合同之前,我們能否有一個試用期來測試產品?    
62 Let's analyze the data to see where we can improve our performance      讓我們分析數據,看看我們在哪些方面可以改進我們的表現     
63 Can we delegate some tasks to other team members to lighten the workload      我們能否將一些任務委托給其他團隊成員,以減輕工作負擔     
64 We should have a post-mortem meeting after the project is complete to learn from our mistakes      在項目完成後,我們應該舉行一次事後總結會議,從錯誤中吸取教訓。    
65 Let's make sure we have a backup supplier in case the current one falls through      讓我們確保我們有一個備份的供應商,以防目前的供應商失敗。    
66 Can we create a roadmap to visualize the progress of the project      我們是否可以創建一個路線圖,以直觀地了解項目的進展情況     
67 We should have a clear escalation process in case of emergencies      我們應該有一個明確的升級程序,以備緊急情況的發生     
68 Let's make sure we have all the necessary approvals before proceeding      讓我們確保在繼續進行之前獲得所有必要的批準     
69 Can we have a team-building activity to boost morale      我們能否開展團隊建設活動以提高士氣?    
70 We need to create a plan to address potential risks      我們需要制定一個計劃來應對潛在的風險     
71 Let's make sure we have a solid foundation before scaling up      讓我們確保在擴大規模之前有一個堅實的基礎     
72 Can we schedule a demo to see the product in action      我們能否安排一次演示,看看產品的運行情況?    
73 We need to make sure we're staying on track with our milestones      我們需要確保我們在階段性目標上保持一致     
74 Let's make sure we have the right technology to support the project      讓我們確保我們有正確的技術來支持這個項目     
75 Can we get some feedback from external stakeholders to ensure we're meeting their needs      我們能否從外部利益相關者那里得到一些反饋,以確保我們滿足他們的需求     
76 We need to have a system in place to handle customer complaints      我們需要有一個系統來處理客戶的投訴     
77 Let's make sure everyone is trained on the new software before we switch over      讓我們確保每個人在轉換之前都接受了新軟件的培訓     
78 Can we have a team huddle to discuss progress and any roadblocks      我們能否舉行一次團隊會議,討論進展情況和任何障礙?    
79 We need to make sure our marketing messaging is consistent across all channels      我們需要確保我們的營銷信息在所有渠道都是一致的     
80 Let's create a project plan to ensure we're meeting all objectives      讓我們創建一個項目計劃,以確保我們達到所有的目標     
81 Can we have a weekly check-in to track progress      我們是否可以每周進行一次檢查,以跟蹤進展情況     
82 We should have a document management system to keep all files organized      我們應該有一個文件管理系統來保持所有文件的條理性     
83 Let's make sure we have a strong brand identity before launching the product      在推出產品之前,我們要確保我們有一個強大的品牌形象     
84 Can we conduct some user testing to get feedback on the product      我們能否進行一些用戶測試以獲得對產品的反饋?    
85 We need to make sure our customer service team is equipped to handle inquiries      我們需要確保我們的客戶服務團隊有能力處理咨詢。    
86 Let's make sure we have a clear communication plan in case of a crisis 讓我們確保在發生危機時,我們有一個明確的溝通計劃     
87 I'll need to discuss this with our finance team before making a decision      在做出決定之前,我需要與我們的財務團隊討論這個問題。    
88 Can we have a debrief meeting after a major event to see where we can improve      我們能否在重大事件後召開一次匯報會,看看我們在哪些方面可以改進?    
89 We need to make sure we're utilizing all available resources effectively      我們需要確保我們有效地利用了所有可用的資源     
90 Let's make sure we have a contingency plan for inclement weather or other disruptions      我們要確保我們有一個應對惡劣天氣或其他幹擾的應急計劃     
91 Can we have a mentorship program to help new employees get up to speed      我們能否有一個導師計劃來幫助新員工盡快上手?    
92 We need to make sure we're complying with all privacy regulations      我們需要確保我們遵守所有的隱私法規     
93 Let's make sure we have a system in place to track employee performance      讓我們確保我們有一個系統來跟蹤員工的表現     
94 Can we have a brainstorming session to generate new ideas      我們能否舉行一次頭腦風暴會議,以產生新的想法     
95 We should have a clear mission statement to guide our actions      我們應該有一個明確的任務聲明來指導我們的行動     
96 Let's make sure we have a diverse and inclusive workplace      讓我們確保我們有一個多元化和包容性的工作場所     
97 Can we have a feedback session to see where we can improve      我們能否舉行一次反饋會議,看看我們在哪些方面可以改進?    
98 We need to make sure we're staying up to date with industry trends      我們需要確保我們能跟上行業的發展趨勢     
99 Let's make sure we have a plan in place for succession planning      讓我們確保我們有一個繼任規劃的計劃     
100 Can we have a recognition program to acknowledge and reward outstanding performance      我們能否有一個表彰計劃,以承認和獎勵傑出的表現






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