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每週英文練習句:When in Rome do as the Romans do 入境隨俗

目前分類:其它英文 (111)

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No burger - No chips - No ice cream -No fast food No chocolate - No white bread -No soda -No cakes or donuts - No cookies or Candy


沒有漢堡 - 沒有薯條 - 沒有冰淇淋 - 沒有速食 沒有巧克力 - 沒有白麵包 - 沒有蘇打 - 沒有蛋糕或甜甜圈 - 沒有餅乾或糖果


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A monkey on backA monkey on your back A monkey on my back

A monkey on back

Monkey on the back 英文解釋是

If you have a monkey on your back, you have a problem, often an emotional problem, that makes your life difficult for a long period.

有一隻猴子在你背後,就是有很麻煩的事情,可以想像一下那種難搞的情況!所以有Mokey on the back 就是麻煩討厭的事了!

那麼 get the monkey off one’s back , 把猴子去掉,就是把難處拿掉,戰勝困境卸下重擔的意思。


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Mobile not available on Network error


訊號的英文是 Signal 手機是 Mobile 或 Phone  


Why My Phone Says No Signal ?  

What to do if you have no signal.




0809-000-852, 24小時免費服務電話.

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最近新聞標題最火的當然是川普(Donald John Trump)跟大陸之間的對戰-貿易戰 (Trade War) ,那麼貿易戰英文怎麼說 Trade 有貿易,交易,商業的英文意思. War 就是戰爭.

那麼最後誰才是贏家呢 U.S.-China Trade War: Who Is Winning? 這我們都不會知道.



Investors 投資者、U.S. President 美國總統、tariffs 關稅、imports 進口、Wall Street 華爾街、retaliate報復、reduce  降低.


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天份的英文是 Talent  運氣 Luck  努力 Hard work   

柯P台北市長(Taipei Mayor), 在一場演講說成功是 天份、運氣加上努力 那英文各是什麼呢?

天份的英文是 Talent

運氣 Luck

努力 Hard work  

英文我們可以說 Success Come from Talent Hard Work and Luck.

然後柯P說 論語裡未知生,焉知死 柯P建議大家要反過來看,應該是當你面對死亡才能學會活著,我想起一本書最後14堂星期二的課裡作者也說 When you learn how to die, you learn how to live. (Tuesdays with Morrie)一樣的意境。

1492, Sail to the unknown world. so Just do it ! You are what you do.



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All work and no play makes jack a dull 英文翻譯.

      今天小編在一段英文文章讀到一段話"All works and no play makes jack a dull" 原來這句話可以翻譯成"只知道工作不會玩也會變笨蛋" Dull 有無聊、無趣的英文意思. 根據Wiki說 這段話起源可能最早在1659年、你看看500年前大家就知道 Working hard playing hard的硬道理,所以囉,不要讓工作佔滿你的生命的全部啊!

All works and no play makes jack a dull  

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Lost on the freeway
Well, This must be LA
Tired and lonely
With no real place to stay
Is this the future
And where I wanna be?
Last night it hit me
When I had this crazy dream

Of waking up
In your house
On a san Francisco St
We tune out all the nasty weather
And it's all in front of you and me

You were intriguing
Just looking at a magazine
like when I first saw you
Back in two-oo thousand and three
And then you walked over
said: 'you don't have to be alone.'
I don't have a crystal ball...
there's no way I could have known

(id be) waking up
In your house
On a san Francisco St
We tune out all the nasty weather
And it's all in front of you and me
waking up
In your house
On a san Francisco St
We tune out all the nasty weather
And it's all in front of you and me

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好聽英文歌-曲婉婷 Drenched

好聽英文歌-Norah Jones - Don't Know Why

好聽英文歌-Endless Love

好聽英文歌-"A Million Dreams"

好聽英文歌-Richard Sanderson - Reality







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Facial recognition technology  

今天小篇讀到一篇文章的標題是:"Facial recognition: Apple, Amazon, Google and the race for your face". 查了一下 Facial 是面部、Recognition是辨識的意思.

Facial recognition technology 人臉辨識技術
Facial recognition systems   人臉辨識系統

另外又看到" Facial recognition coming to US airports by 2021"一段報導表示2021年美國將在機場放上人臉辨識系統,看來這個英文片語將會是未來新聞常用英文之一。


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Throw in the towel  

      放棄或投降的常用的英文是Surrender,Give up. 所以我放棄了或投降, I surrender or I give up.
而投降或認輸也可以用一個英文片語 "Throw in the towel" 中文翻譯是丟出一個毛巾,這個片語來自拳擊場上,在比賽中當其中一個選手認輸的時候,只要教練或同組工作人員丟出毛巾表示立即認輸的意思。

範例: He won't throw in the towel or retire. 他不想要認輸或者退休.
Anthony Pettis’ corner throws in the towel after two insane rounds fighting. 經過兩輪瘋狂的戰鬥後,安東尼佩蒂斯認輸了!


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Crossing Fingers 什麼意思?
Pay lip Service 英文什麼意思?

Black sheep 是什麼意思?




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      今天看到一則BBC的英文新聞,標題是'We stopped needing to work in our 30s' ,中文翻譯就是我們30歲就不用工作了,真是令人羨慕,
經濟獨立或財富自由的英文就是"Financial independence"英文翻譯解釋是"You have enough wealth to live on without working."
真希望有一天可以跟新聞中的主角一樣 Financial independence retire early , 早點退休啊!

Financial 財政的;金融的;金融界的.
Independence  獨立, 自主,自立,獨立.
Retire 退休;退役.

Wealth 財富;財產.


補:FAT FIRE 定義為存到很多退休金的模式. Lean FIRE 存夠25~30年的年收入.

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crossing fingers 中文crossing fingers 意味, crossing fingers翻譯


Crossing -穿過, 越過 交叉.
Fingers- 手指.
Crossing Fingers 在英文的翻譯解釋為. 

"To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture commonly used to wish for luck."

Cross your fingers - 祝福好運 , 祈求好運.
Cross your fingers for me - 祝我好運吧.
Keep your fingers crossed.
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
let's keep our fingers crossed.



Five-finger discount是什麼意思?

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Sorry for wasting your time.  

Sorry for wasting your time.
I'm Sorry for Wasting Your time
We're sorry for wasting your time.

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Black sheep 是什麼意思 , Black Sheep 翻譯 , 與眾不同的英文,害群之馬的英文

Black sheep 是什麼意思  

「Black Sheep」Black 黑色 ,Sheep 是羊 ,常用英文片語意指一群羊群裡的唯一黑羊. 

我們常常讀到英文文章裡,看到描述某人black sheep of the family,有些人會翻譯為家裡的害群之馬,但正面一點我們可以說是與眾不同。
如:Davy is the black sheep of the family. 狠一點也可以說是家裡敗家子囉. 
Black Sheep 在英文字典描述為A person who is different from the rest of their family or another group.

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 New Year  

Google 搜索"跨年的英文",你會發現大部分的英文新聞的標題如下

New Year's Eve celebrations: Watch the fireworks as the world
Top 10 places to celebrate New Year's Eve around the world
New Year's Eve 2018: celebrations around the world

大家都會說12月31日晚上的慶典為Celebrate the new year , 而倒數為 New Year's Eve Countdown specials 2019,"Countdown"就是倒數計時的意思,當然還有煙火Fireworks. 然後結束後就會去參加派對Party,聽著Auld Lang Syne. 最後找個人擁抱和親吻一下對方 hug with kiss , 讓整個跨年夜過的溫馨.

同學們又到了一年的尾聲了,常用英文Blog在2018年的瀏覽人數比起去年又進步了一些,Blog的Target(目標族群) 一直是初級英文的學習者. 希望我們製作的常用英文APP及撰寫的相關英文學習資訊有幫助到各位同學.


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非洲豬瘟的英文-African Swine Fever  

這次非洲豬瘟在中國蔓延.為了防止疾病的擴散.臨近國家都嚴正以對. 非洲豬瘟的英文是 African Swine Fever.
豬瘟(Classical swine fever, CSF或hog cholera).豬瘟為世界動物衛生組織所列的A類16種法定傳染病之一。

在Google 搜索可以找到各大報的關於非洲豬瘟的英文報導內容. Google搜索連結
African swine fever hits Chinese pork industry in run-up to New Year.
African Swine Fever and China.
Gene-edited pigs immune to swine fever.
African Swine Fever Reported in Shaanxi, Guizhou Provinces in China.

在英文學習之餘也可以關心一下國際大事. 常用英文才不會忘記.

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以牙還牙 英文怎麼說以牙還牙的英文以牙還牙英文說法

以牙還牙 英文怎麼說  

Tit for tat.
A goat's hide buys a goat's hide and a gourd a gourd.
Pay back in kind.
Reture like for like.
Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

"Tit for tat A"  is  someone takes revenge on another person for what they have done by doing something same to them.

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A goat's hide buys a goat's hide and a gourd a gourd

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An old dog can not learn new tricks  

Old dogs can't change new tricks.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
An old dog can not learn new tricks.


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 Turn Your Life Around  

如何翻轉人生的英文是 "How to Turn Your Life Around"

Turn around 有迴轉或改變的意思.


Start saving

Stop complaining

Start a business

Stop watching TV


開始儲存 停止抱怨 創業 別再看電視了

或者你可以 Google How to turn your life around right now!


“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” — Harriet Beacher Stowe


The youtube video Copyright by MotivationHub


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George Washington (1789–1797)
John Adams (1797–1801)
Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809)
James Madison (1809–1817)
James Monroe (1817–1825)
John Quincy Adams (1825–1829)
Andrew Jackson (1829–1837)
Martin Van Buren (1837–1841)
William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841–1845)
James K. Polk (1845–1849)
Zachary Taylor (1849–1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850–1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853–1857)
James Buchanan (1857–1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865–1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869–1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877–1881)
James A. Garfield (1881)
Chester A. Arthur (1881–1885)
Grover Cleveland (1885–1889)
Benjamin Harrison (1889–1893)
Grover Cleveland (1893–1897)
William McKinley (1897–1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909)
William Howard Taft (1909–1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921–1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929–1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945–1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961–1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969)
Richard Nixon (1969–1974)
Gerald Ford (1974–1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977–1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981–1989)
George H. W. Bush (1989–1993)
Bill Clinton (1993–2001)
George W. Bush (2001–2009)
Barack Obama (2009–2017)
Donald Trump (2017–present)

喬治·華盛頓 (1789–1797)
約翰·亞當斯 (1797–1801)
湯瑪斯·傑佛遜 (1801–1809)
詹姆斯·麥迪遜 (1809–1817)
詹姆斯·門羅 (1817–1825)
約翰·昆西·亞當斯 (1825–1829)
安德魯·傑克遜 (1829–1837)
馬丁·范布倫 (1837–1841)
威廉·亨利·哈瑞森 (1841)
約翰·泰勒 (1841–1845)
詹姆斯·K·波爾克 (1845–1849)
扎卡里·泰勒 (1849–1850)
米勒德·菲爾莫爾 (1850–1853)
富蘭克林·皮爾斯 (1853–1857)
詹姆斯·布坎南 (1857–1861)
亞伯拉罕·林肯 (1861–1865)
安德魯·詹森 (1865–1869)
尤利西斯·S·格蘭特 (1869–1877)
拉瑟福德·B·海斯 (1877–1881)
詹姆斯·A·加菲爾德 (1881)
切斯特·艾倫·阿瑟 (1881–1885)
格羅弗·克里夫蘭 (1885–1889)
班傑明·哈瑞森 (1889–1893)
格羅弗·克里夫蘭 (1893–1897)
威廉·麥金萊 (1897–1901)
狄奧多·羅斯福 (1901–1909)
威廉·霍華德·塔虎脫 (1909–1913)
伍德羅·威爾遜 (1913–1921)
沃倫·G·哈定 (1921–1923)
卡爾文·柯立芝 (1923–1929)
赫伯特·胡佛 (1929–1933)
富蘭克林·D·羅斯福 (1933–1945)
哈瑞·S·杜魯門 (1945–1953)
德懷特·D·艾森豪 (1953–1961)
約翰·F·甘迺迪 (1961–1963)
林登·B·詹森 (1963–1969)
理察·尼克森 (1969–1974)
傑拉爾德·福特 (1974–1977)
吉米·卡特 (1977–1981)
隆納·雷根 (1981–1989)
喬治·H·W·布希 (1989–1993)
比爾·柯林頓 (1993–2001)
喬治·W·布希 (2001–2009)
巴拉克·歐巴馬 (2009–2017)
唐納·川普 (2017–)

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“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama



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名人名句學英文-賈伯斯 如果今天是我生命的最後一天




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