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每週英文練習句:When in Rome do as the Romans do 入境隨俗

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英國微小說大賽 只用6個英文單字感動人心


sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.


Dad left, a flag came back


The smallest coffins are the heaviest.


Mom taught me how to shave


Siri,deleted Mom from my contacts
Siri,把媽媽從通訊錄裡刪掉吧。 (母親逝世)


Birth certificate. Death certificate. One pen
出生證明。死亡證明。同一支筆。 (新生兒夭折,或者理解為妻子難產而死。)


He bottle-feeds his wife’s killer.
他用奶瓶餵養著殺妻兇手。 (妻子難產而死。)


Introduced myself to mother again today.
今天我又一次向媽媽介紹了自己。 (阿爾茨海默病,俗稱失憶症)


Son hit me. Grandson watched carefully.


Finally spoke to her.Left flowers.
終於可以和她說上話了,並給她留下了一束花。 (在墳前)


Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.


I met my soulmate. She didn’t.


"Go away!" That’s all she said.


New start. New you. Not you.


Jumped. Then I changed my mind.
跳下去的剎那,我改變了主意。 (no zuo no die,why you try?- -||)


"Wrong number." said the familiar voice.


The photos laughed, the eyes cried


First Friend. Then Lover. Lost both.


Everytime she smiled,His world stopped.
每次她的笑容 總讓他的世界暫停

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 what is the intern  




  1. 提供一天3~5節的免費英文課
  2. 免費的住宿包括三餐
  3. 提供水電全免及SPP或打工簽證(各家學校不同規定)
  4. 額外的招生佣金


















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How To Put An Elephant In A Fridge

A student playing with his teacher’s intelligence asked thus:
STUDENT: Sir, can I ask a question?
STUDENT: How can one put an elephant inside the fridge?
TEACHER: I don’t know.
STUDENT: It’s easy, you just open the fridge and put it in
there. I have another question!TEACHER: Ok, ask.
STUDENT: How can one put a donkey inside the fridge?
TEACHER: It’s easy, you just open the fridge and put it in
STUDENT: No sir, you just open the fridge take out the
elephant and put it in there
TEACHER: Ooh… ok!
STUDENT: If all the animals went to the lion’s birthday party
with one animal missing, which animal would it be?
TEACHER: The lion of course because it would eat all the
STUDENT: No sir, it’s the donkey because it’s still inside the
TEACHER: Are you kidding me?
STUDENT: No sir, one more last question.
STUDENT: If there’s a river of crocodiles and you want to
cross, how would you?
TEACHER: There’s no way, I would need a ladder to cross.
STUDENT: No sir, you just swim and cross it because all the
animals went to the lion’s birthday party.




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If I had only changed myself first


When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world.
As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable.
As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.
And now, as I lie on my death bed, I suddenly realize:
If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.


當我躺在牀上,臨終之前、我突然意識到: 如果一開始我僅僅去改變我自己,然後作爲一個榜樣,我可能改變我的家庭;在家人的幫助和鼓勵下,我可能爲國家做一些事情。然後誰知道呢?我甚至可能改變這個世界。

The  words are said to be written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the crypts of Westminster Abbey in London, England.



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◎ 本書包羅萬象動靜皆宜,從頂級奢華到背包窮遊、從吃喝購物到平價按摩,從與鯨鯊共舞到和眼鏡猴同遊、從世界遺產到人煙罕至的遺島樂園,《菲律賓中部十大名島遊》將告訴讀者所不知的驚奇。
◎ 菲律賓在台辦事處白熙禮大使寫序推薦。
◎ 作者超過8年菲律賓在地求學、生活與工作經歷,用最節省的旅遊方法、最詳盡的介紹,讓您也能輕鬆當個背包客。嘗試自己上網訂票,開啟完全自己來的自助旅行,走走旅行團不會到的度假村和觀光客不知曉的景點。
◎ 本書內容涵蓋菲律賓中部的觀光旅遊、歷史紀實、食衣住行與購物玩樂等主題,並超過400張珍貴圖片。作者詳實地將心路歷程記錄下來,讓讀者體驗最深入、最真實的鄉土民情。





怡朗(Iloilo):雅緻之都、微笑之城 & 世界文化遺產:米亞高
著名節慶:Bacolod Mask






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今天朋友傳LINE來的英文短語 滿有趣的 收錄一下  XD

At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is having friends.
At age 16 success is having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is having sex.
At age 35 success is having money.
At age 50 success is having money.
At age 60 success is having sex.
At age 70 success is having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is having friends.
At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants.




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 要如何背單字的方法 、免費英文聊天室學英文快速矯正英文發音、-常聽到的簡單英文歌

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死馬當活馬醫的英文怎麼說?A drowning man will clutch at a straw









2⃣️晚宴包:evening bag
3⃣️海軍藍:navy blue
4⃣️淺藍:baby blue
5⃣️寶石藍:royal blue



"A drowning man will clutch at a straw."

He believes drinking soy sauce everyday can cure his baldness. You know, a drowning man will clutch at a straw. (他竟然相信每天喝醬油可以幫助他再生頭髮不再當禿頭👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻!你知道嘛,他現在只能死馬當活馬醫了!」

"A drowning man will clutch at a straw"字面意思是「溺水的人看到稻草也會胡亂抓一通」,就引申為中文說的「死馬當活馬醫」「無魚🐟蝦也好」的語感。








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今天迋臉書的時候,有英文老師分享一個不錯的英文學習臉書粉絲團給我!  Ricky//英語小蛋糕  立馬聯繫作者Ricky老師是否可以分享文章到Blog,想不到Ricky老師二話不話說上回應說好!


以後常用英文Blog的讀者有福了! 若Ricky老師有那些有趣的英文學習文章,我會儘力分享上來給大家!!當然同學們也可以直接加Ricky老師的臉書喔





Ricky//英語小蛋糕英文學習文章! 8/31 











3⃣️白糖:white crystal sugar
4⃣️黑糖:brown sugar(要記得不要說成black sugar了)
5⃣️貝禮詩奶酒:Baileys Irish Cream(不要傻傻說成milk wine喔)

所以台灣之光「珍珠奶茶」我們可以說成1⃣️pearl milk tea或是2⃣️bubble tea

那我們再來看看有關pearl其中一個很生活化的說法"cast pearls before swine"(cast是拋丟的意思,swine則是豬🐷

Teaching your 17-year-old daughter to use a lifejacket is just like casting pearls before swine since tomorrow is her due date!(教你1⃣️7⃣️歲的小女兒👧🏻要使用小套套根本就沒用嘛!明天就是她的預產期了啊👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻)

所以cast pearls before swine就很像中文說的「對牛彈琴」「肉包子打狗」的意思,說白一些就是對著聽不進去的人說一些金玉良言,毫無成效😩😩😩





死馬當活馬醫的英文怎麼說?A drowning man will clutch at a straw









2⃣️晚宴包:evening bag
3⃣️海軍藍:navy blue
4⃣️淺藍:baby blue
5⃣️寶石藍:royal blue



"A drowning man will clutch at a straw."

He believes drinking soy sauce everyday can cure his baldness. You know, a drowning man will clutch at a straw. (他竟然相信每天喝醬油可以幫助他再生頭髮不再當禿頭👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻!你知道嘛,他現在只能死馬當活馬醫了!」

"A drowning man will clutch at a straw"字面意思是「溺水的人看到稻草也會胡亂抓一通」,就引申為中文說的「死馬當活馬醫」「無魚🐟蝦也好」的語感。






  • 更多文章「臉書請搜尋Ricky//英語小蛋糕」



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 外語很難 只要六個月,就能學得會    

How to learn any language in six months -Chris Lonsdale 



 "A woman I know from Taiwan did great in English at school, 
she got A grades all the way through, 
went through college, A grades, went to the US 
and found she couldn't understand what people were saying. 
And people started asking her: "Are you deaf?" 
And she was. English deaf. "(Chris Lonsdale)























(Chris Lonsdale) The people in the back, can you hear me clearly?
OK, good.
Have you ever held a question in mind
for so long that it becomes part of how you think?
Maybe even part of who you are as a person?
Well I've had a question in my mind for many, many years
and that is: How can you speed up learning?
Now, this is an interesting question
because if you speed up learning, you can spend less time at school.
And if you learn really fast, you probably wouldn't have to go to school at all.
Now, when I was young, school was sort of OK but...
I found quite often that school got in the way of learning
so I had this question in mind: How do you learn faster?
And this began when I was very, very young,
when I was 11 years old,
I wrote a letter to researchers in the Soviet Union, asking about hypnopaedia,
this is sleep-learning, where you get a tape recorder, you put it beside your bed
and it turns on in the middle of the night when you're sleeping,
and you're supposed to be learning from this.
A good idea, unfortunately it doesn't work.
But, hypnopaedia did open the doors to research in other areas
and we've had incredible discoveries about learning that began with that first question.
I went on from there to become passionate about psychology
and I have been involved in psychology in many different ways
for the rest of my life up until this point.
In 1981 I took myself to China
and I decided that I was going to be native level in Chinese inside two years.
Now, you need to understand that in 1981, everybody thought
Chinese was really, really difficult and that a westerner could study for 10 years or more
and never really get very good at it.
And I also went in with a different idea
which was: taking all of the conclusions from psychological research up to that point
and applying them to the learning process.
What was really cool was that in six months I was fluent in Mandarin Chinese
and took a little bit longer to get up to native.
But I looked around and I saw all of these people from different countries
struggling terribly with Chinese,
I saw Chinese people struggling terribly to learn English and other languages,
and so my question got refined down to:
How can you help a normal adult learn a new language quickly, easily and effectively?
Now this is a really, really important question in today's world.
We have massive challenges with environment,
we have massive challenges with social dislocation,
with wars, all sorts of things going on
and if we can't communicate, we're really going to have difficulty solving these problems.
So we need to be able to speak each other's languages,
this is really, really important.
The question then is: How do you do that?
Well, it's actually really easy. You look around for people who can already do it,
you look for situations where it's already working
and then you identify the principles and apply them.
It's called modelling and I've been looking at language learning
and modelling language learning for about 15 to 20 years now.
And my conclusion, my observation from this is
that any adult can learn a second language to fluency inside six months.
Now when I say this, most people think I'm crazy, this is not possible.
So let me remind everybody of the history of human progress,
it's all about expanding our limits.
In 1950 everybody believed that running one mile in four minutes was impossible
and then Roger Bannister did it in 1956 and from there it's got shorter and shorter.
100 years ago everybody believed that heavy stuff doesn't fly.
Except it does and we all know this.
How does heavy stuff fly?
We reorganise the material using principles that we have learned
from observing nature, birds in this case.
And today we've gone even further...
We've gone even further, so you can fly a car.
You can buy one of these for a couple 100.000 US dollars.
We now have cars in the world that fly.
And there's a different way to fly which we've learned from squirrels.
So all you need to do is copy what a flying squirrel does,
build a suit called a wing suit and off you go, you can fly like a squirrel.
Now most people, a lot of people, I wouldn't say everybody
but a lot of people think they can't draw.
However there are some key principles, five principles that you can apply
to learning to draw and you can actually learn to draw in five days.
So, if you draw like this, you learn these principles for five days
and apply them and after five days you can draw something like this.
Now I know this is true because that was my first drawing
and after five days of applying these principles that was what I was able to do.
And I looked at this and I went:
"Wow, so that's how I look like when I'm concentrating so intensely
that my brain is exploding."
So, anybody can learn to draw in five days
and in the same way, with the same logic,
anybody can learn a second language in six months.
How? There are five principles and seven actions.
There may be a few more but these are absolutely core.
And before I get into those I just want to talk about two myths,
I want to dispel two myths.
The first is that you need talent.
Let me tell you about Zoe.
Zoe came from Australia, went to Holland, was trying to learn Dutch,
struggling extremely, extremely... a great deal
and finally people were saying: "You're completely useless,"
"you're not talented," "give up," "you're a waste of time"
and she was very, very depressed.
And then she came across these five principles,
she moved to Brazil and she applied them
and in six months she was fluent in Portuguese,
so talent doesn't matter.
People also think that immersion in a new country is the way to learn a language.
But look around Hong Kong, look at all the westerners
who've been here for 10 years, who don't speak a word of Chinese.
Look at all the Chinese living in America, Britain, Australia, Canada
have been there 10, 20 years and they don't speak any English.
Immersion per se does not work.
Why? Because a drowning man cannot learn to swim.
When you don't speak a language you're like a baby
and if you drop yourself into a context
which is all adults talking about stuff over your head, you won't learn.
So, what are the five principles that you need to pay attention to?
First: the four words,
attention, meaning, relevance and memory,
and these interconnect in very, very important ways.
Especially when you're talking about learning.
Come with me on a journey through a forest.
You go on a walk through a forest
and you see something like this... Little marks on a tree,
maybe you pay attention, maybe you don't.
You go another 50 metres and you see this...
[image of bear footprint] You should be paying attention.
Another 50 metres, if you haven't been paying attention, you see this...
[image of roaring bear] And at this point, you're paying attention.
And you've just learned that this [marks on tree] is important,
it's relevant because it means this [roaring bear],
and anything that is related, any information related to your survival
is stuff that you're going to pay attention to
and therefore you're going to remember it.
If it's related to your personal goals
then you're going to pay attention to it,
if it's relevant, you're going to remember it.
So, the first rule, first principle for learning a language
is focus on language content that is relevant to you.
Which brings us to tools.
We master tools by using tools and
we learn tools the fastest when they are relevant to us.
So let me share a story.
A keyboard is a tool.
Typing Chinese a certain way, there are methods for this. That's a tool.
I had a colleague many years ago
who went to night school; Tuesday night, Thursday night,
two hours each time, practising at home,
she spent nine months, and she did not learn to type Chinese.
And one night we had a crisis.
We had 48 hours to deliver a training manual in Chinese.
And she got the job, and I can guarantee you
in 48 hours, she learned to type Chinese
because it was relevant, it was meaningful, it was important,
she was using a tool to create value.
So the second principle for learning a language is to use your language
as a tool to communicate right from day one.
As a kid does.
When I first arrived in China, I didn't speak a word of Chinese,
and on my second week I got to take a train ride overnight.
I spent eight hours sitting in the dining car talking to one of the guards on the train,
he took an interest in me for some reason,
and we just chatted all night in Chinese
and he was drawing pictures and making movements with his hands
and facial expressions and
piece by piece by piece I understood more and more.
But what was really cool, was two weeks later,
when people were talking Chinese around me,
I was understanding some of this
and I hadn't even made any effort to learn that.
What had happened, I'd absorbed it that night on the train,
which brings us to the third principle.
When you first understand the message,
then you will acquire the language unconsciously.
And this is really, really well documented now,
it's something called comprehensible input.
There's 20 or 30 years of research on this,
Stephen Krashen, a leader in the field,
has published all sorts of these different studies
and this is just from one of them.
The purple bars show the scores on different tests for language.
The purple people were people who had learned by grammar and formal study,
the green ones are the ones who learned by comprehensible input.
So, comprehension works. Comprehension is key
and language learning is not about accumulating lots of knowledge.
In many, many ways it's about physiological training.
A woman I know from Taiwan did great in English at school,
she got A grades all the way through,
went through college, A grades, went to the US
and found she couldn't understand what people were saying.
And people started asking her: "Are you deaf?"
And she was. English deaf.
Because we have filters in our brain that filter in
the sounds that we are familiar with
and they filter out the sounds of languages that we're not.
And if you can't hear it, you won't understand it,
if you can't understand it, you're not going to learn it.
So you actually have to be able to hear these sounds.
And there are ways to do that but it's physiological training.
Speaking takes muscle.
You've got 43 muscles in your face,
you have to coordinate those in a way
that you make sounds that other people will understand.
If you've ever done a new sport for a couple of days,
and you know how your body feels? Hurts?
If your face is hurting, you're doing it right.
And the final principle is state. Psycho-physiological state.
If you're sad, angry, worried, upset, you're not going to learn. Period.
If you're happy, relaxed, in an Alpha brain state, curious,
you're going to learn really quickly,
and very specifically you need to be tolerant of ambiguity.
If you're one of those people who needs to understand 100 per cent
every word you're hearing, you will go nuts,
because you'll be incredibly upset all the time, because you're not perfect.
If you're comfortable with getting some, not getting some,
just paying attention to what you do understand,
you're going to be fine, you'll be relaxed and you'll be learning quickly.
So based on those five principles, what are the seven actions that you take?
Number one: Listen a lot.
I call it brain soaking.
You put yourself in a context where you're hearing tons and tons and tons of a language
and it doesn't matter if you understand it or not.
You're listening to the rhythms, you're listening to patterns that repeat,
you're listening to things that stand out.
(Speaking Chinese) 泡腦子 (pào nǎozi)
(Speaking English) So, just soak your brain in this.
The second action is that you get the meaning first, even before you get the words.
You go: "Well how do I do that? I don't know the words!"
Well, you understand what these different postures mean.
Human communication is body language in many, many ways, so much body language.
From body language you can understand a lot of communication,
therefore, you're understanding, you're acquiring through comprehensible input.
And you can also use patterns that you already know.
If you're a Chinese speaker of Mandarin and Cantonese and you go to Vietnam,
you will understand 60 per cent of what they say to you in daily conversation,
because Vietnamese is about 30 per cent Mandarin, 30 per cent Cantonese.
The third action: Start mixing.
You probably have never thought of this
but if you've got 10 verbs, 10 nouns and 10 adjectives,
you can say 1000 different things.
Language is a creative process.
What do babies do? OK, "me", "bath", "now".
OK, that's how they communicate.
So start mixing, get creative, have fun with it,
it doesn't have to be perfect, just has to work.
And when you're doing this, you focus on the core.
What does that mean?
Well any language is high frequency content.
In English 1000 words covers 85 per cent
of anything you're ever going to say in daily communication.
3000 words gives you 98 per cent
of anything you're going to say in daily conversation.
You got 3000 words, you're speaking the language. The rest is icing on the cake.
And when you're just beginning with a new language,
start with your tool box. Week number one,
in your new language you say things like:
"How do you say that?" "I don't understand,"
"repeat that please," "what does that mean?"
all in your target language. You're using it as a tool, making it useful to you,
it's relevant to learn other things about the language.
By week two you should be saying things like:
"me," "this," "you," "that," "give," you know, "hot,"
simple pronouns, simple nouns, simple verbs, simple adjectives, communicating like a baby.
And by the third or fourth week, you're getting into what I call glue words.
"Although," "but," "therefore," these are logical transformers
that tie bits of a language together, allowing you to make more complex meaning.
At that point you're talking [stressed].
And when you're doing that, you should get yourself a language parent.
If you look at how children and parents interact, you'll understand what this means.
When a child is speaking, it'll be using simple words, simple combinations,
sometimes quite strange, sometimes very strange pronunciation,
other people from outside the family don't understand it.
But the parents do.
And so the kid has a safe environment, gets confidence.
The parents talk to the children with body language
and with simple language they know the child understands.
So you have a comprehensible input environment that's safe,
we know it works otherwise none of you would speak your mother tongue.
So you get yourself a language parent, who's somebody interested in you as a person
who will communicate with you essentially as an equal,
but pay attention to help you understand the message.
There are four rules of a language parent. Spouses by the way are not very good at this, OK?
But the four rules are,
first of all, they will work hard to understand what you mean even when you're way off beat.
Secondly, they will never correct your mistakes.
Thirdly, they will feed back their understanding of what you are saying
so that you can respond appropriately and get that feedback
and then they will use words that you know.
The sixth thing you have to do, is copy the face.
You got to get the muscles working right,
so you can sound in a way that people will understand you.
There's a couple of things you do.
One is that you hear how it feels, and feel how it sounds
which means you have a feedback loop operating in your face,
but ideally if you can look at a native speaker and just observe how they use their face,
let your unconscious mind absorb the rules, then you're going to be able to pick it up.
And if you can't get a native speaker to look at, you can use stuff like this...
(Female voice) Sing, song, king, stung, hung.
(Chris Lonsdale) And the final idea here, the final action you need to take
is something that I call "direct connect".
What does this mean? Well most people learning a second language
sort of take the mother tongue words and the target words and go over them
again and again in their mind to try and remember them. Really inefficient.
What you need to do is realise that everything you know is an image inside your mind, it's feelings,
if you talk about fire, you can smell the smoke, you can hear the crackling, you can see the flames,
so what you do, is you go into that imagery and all of that memory
and you come out with another pathway. So I call it "one sample, different path".
You come out of that pathway and you build it over time,
you become more and more skilled at just connecting the new sounds
to those images that you already have, into that internal representation.
And over time you even become naturally good at that process, that becomes unconscious.
So, there are five principles that you need to work with, seven actions,
if you do any of them, you're going to improve.
And remember these are things under your control as the learner.
Do them all and you're going to be fluent in a second language in six months.
Thank you.

TEDx Talks









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新年         Jan. 1   New Year's Day
農曆除夕 Jan   Chinese (Lunar) New Year's Eve
農曆春節 Jan   Chinese (Lunar) New Year
元宵節         Feb   Lantern Festival
青年節         Mar. 29   Youth Day
清明節         Apr. 5   Tomb Sweeping Day
婦女節         8-May   Women's Day
母親節         May   Mother's Day
端午節         19-May   Dragon Boat Festival
豐年祭         Jul.   Harvest Festival
農曆七夕 Jul. 7   the Seventh Evening of July
中元節         Jul. 15   Ghosts' Festival
父親節         Aug. 8   Father's Day
中秋節         Aug. 15   Moon Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival
重陽節         Sep. 9   Double Ninth Festival
教師節         Sep. 28   Teacher's Day, Confucius' Birthday
雙十節         Oct. 10   Double Tenth Day
台灣光復節 Oct. 25   Taiwan Retroration Day
蔣公誕辰 Oct. 31   Birthday of President Chiang Kai-shek
國父誕辰 Nov. 12 Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday
冬至         Dec. 22 the winter solstice, midwinter
行憲紀念日 Dec. 25 Constitution Day

除夕         Dec. 31   New Year's Eve
新年         Jan. 1   New Year's Day
總統節         Feb.   President's Day
林肯誕辰 Feb. 12   Lincoln's Day
情人節         Feb. 14   Valentine's Day
華盛頓誕辰 Feb. 22   Washington's Day
愚人節         Apr. 1   April Fool's Day
復活節         Apr.   Easter
母親節         May   Mother's Day
陣亡將士紀念日 May. 30   Memorial Day
父親節         Jun.   Father's Day
國旗節         Jun. 14   Flag's Day
獨立紀念日 Jul. 4   I ndependence Day
勞工節         Sep.   Labor Day
哥倫布節 Oct.   Columbus Day
萬聖節前夕 Oct. 31   Halloween
萬聖節         Nov. 1   All Saint Day
退伍軍人紀念日 Nov. 14   Veterans Day
感恩節         Nov.   Thanksgiving Day
聖誕夜         Dec. 24   Christmas Eve, Xmas Eve
聖誕節         Dec. 25   Christmas (Day), Xmas

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  • 發布機關:臺北市立圖書館
  • 發布科室:臺北市立圖書館
  • 發布日期:2015-7-16

暑假煩惱沒處去嗎?還是您想要好好充電卻不知如何開始嗎?臺北市立圖書館東湖分館今夏特別與英國文化協會IETLS雅思官方考試中心合作,於104年8月2日、23日、9月6日及13日,辦理「English Practice@東湖-IETLS雅思學習團」系列活動,共計4場英語聽說讀寫練習,讓您有機會來場全方位的英語學習。邀請豐富教學經驗老師專業的解說及帶領,實際體驗口說、閱讀、聽力及寫作練習,讓您杜絕英語恐慌症。

根據「2014全球英語能力指標報告」顯示,臺灣英語能力排名第30屬中等程度。在亞洲整體方面,除了新加坡外,其他地區進步幅度不大。為了促進大家學習英語興趣,臺北市立圖書館東湖分館特別在暑假規劃4場英語學習講座,8/2(日)「寫作練習Writing Practice」、8/23(日) 「聽力練習Listening Practice」、9/6「口說練習Speaking Practice」、9/13(日) 「閱讀練習Reading Practice」。邀請具有豐富教學經驗的老師帶領您更有系統及效率的學習,突破英語學習瓶頸。






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Love CONQUERS ANGER by Brian Clark

Anger seeks revenge
Love seeks healing
Anger spouts lies
Love speaks truth
Anger causes others pain
Love brings others joy
Anger imprisons the soul
Love saves the soul
Anger builds up walls around you
Love can break down strongholds
Anger walks with Fear
Love keeps company with Peace
Anger cannot solve problems
Love brings about reconciliation between the two sicks
Anger darkens the heart
Love brightens the world
Anger cannot solve any probmlem
Love is the solution to all problems
"Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endress all things."
-1 Corintbians 13:7


愛戰勝憤怒 Brian Clark 作










聖經 哥林多前書13章7節



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同梯的英文怎麼說? 陸戰隊的英文麼說? 各軍階英文名稱?





Batchmate- someone who is in the same class  as you



中華民國海軍陸戰隊(英文譯名:Republic of China Marine Corps,縮寫為ROCMC)
服兵役-Military service
志願役-Voluntary military service
義務役-Mandatory military service
徵兵- Conscription


陸軍 Army
元帥 General of the Army
上將 General
中將 Lieutenant General
少將 Major General
准將 Brigadier General
上校 Colonel
中校 Lieutenant Colonel
少校 Major
上尉 Captain
中尉 Lieutenant
少尉 Second Lieutenant
准尉 Warrant officer
士官長 Master sergeant
上士 Sergeant
中士 Staff sergeant
下士 Corporal
一等兵 Private 1st class
二等兵 Private
軍士 Petty officer

海軍 Navy
元帥 Admiral of the Fleet
上將 Admiral
中將 Vice- Admiral
少將 Rear- Admiral
准將 Commodore
上校 Captain
中校 Commander
少校 Lieutenant Commander
上尉 Lieutenant
中尉 Junior Grade
少尉 Ensign
准尉 Warrant officer
士官長 Chief petty officer
上士 Petty officer 1st class
中士 Petty officer 2nd Class
下士 Petty officer 3rd Class
一等兵 Seaman 1st Class
二等兵 Seaman 2nd Class

空軍 Air Force
元帥 Field Marshal
上將 General
中將 Lieutenant General
少將 Major General
准將 Brigadier General
上校 Colonel
中校 Lieutenant Colonel
少校 Major
上尉 Captain
中尉 Lieutenant
少尉 Second Lieutenant
准尉 Warrant officer
士官長 Master sergeant
上士 Sergeant
中士 Staff sergeant
下士 Corporal
一等兵 Private 1st class
二等兵 Private
軍士 Petty officer






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10 Sentences to Change Your Mind


1.You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.

2.Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to Success.

   If you love what you are doing, youll be a success. 

3.The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

4 The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.

5.Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

6. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

7. Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.

8. Cooperation isn't the absence of conflict but a  means of managing conflict.

9. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.

10. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. — Holy Bible, Proverbs 4:23













10.你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。 聖經箴言4章33節




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今年10月在日本東京舉辦的 Int.Home Care &Rehabilitation Exhibition,Ry翻譯了這次展覽所有設備的中文翻譯,因為國內對於大多數的身障者專用產品,都沒有完整的專業產品中文翻譯,所以Ry特別投稿到常用英文Blog來供大家參考!



 Exhibition Products 展示產品

Mobility equipment (Wheelchairs)

Mobility equipment (Walkers, Canes)
機動性設備 (助步器,拐杖)

Mobility equipment (Lifts) Assist robots, Power suits
機動性設備(升降梯) 協助器,矯正衣

Cooking aids

Publication and information on welfare equipment

Clothes Clothes changing aids Safety helmets & wigs
服裝 換衣幫助器 安全頭置及假髮

Infection prevention products Air cleaner / Humidifier
預防感染產品 空氣清淨/増濕機

Bed related Pressure sore prevention product

Construction Home equipment Accessible housing
建築物 居家設備 無障礙住宅

Artificial limbs & orthopedic products
人造義肢& 整形產品

Rehabilitation and care prevention products Oral care

Bathing equipment

Toilet / Diaper related

Daily living aids Sports and recreation goods for disable persons
日常生活輔具物 身障者運動及休閒產品

Vehicles for disabled persons and related devices Mobile baths Eco-friendly cars
無障礙車輛及設施/移動型浴室 環保車輛

Management info systems for home and institution
居家及(慈善)機構管理 資訊糸統

Welfare facilities /home equipment
Construction materials
Recycling devices
Staff uniform
Laundry related
社會福利設旅/居家設備/原料回收裝置 /員工制服/洗衣

Communication equipment





出差英文怎麼說- Take a business trip to Japan (到日本出差)

無障礙的英文怎麼說- Accessibility or Barrier-free

身障者的英文怎麼說- Disabilities

輔具的英文怎麼說Assistive devices


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簡單時事學英文-亞投行 英文縮寫 AIIB


本頁關鍵字: 無障礙的英文怎麼說身障者設備英文居家設備英文

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Happy mother's day!!


10Things You can Do for Your Mom to Show your Appreciation 


1.Make her a card

2.Take her to dinner

3.Give her a hug 

4.Show Your Appreciation by Saying it 

5.Do Something you two used to do it together

6.Tell her that you are grateful for things she did for you 

7.Fix things for her

8.Help her on housework 

9.Take her out to relas 

10.(Make your own one)


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My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.-Holy Bible, I John 3:18

孩子們,我們的愛不應該只是口頭上的愛,必須是真實的愛,用行為證明出來! 聖經 約翰一書 3:18




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英文Blog不忘母親節快到了 祝大家母親節快樂


Happy mother's day!!


第21屆全國十大傑出愛心媽媽慈暉獎表揚音樂大會 回顧
謝謝幫忙轉貼相關訊息 祝全天下媽媽 快快樂樂.健健康康



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Life is real ! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal ;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way ;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Find us farther than to-day.

"Trust no future, however pleasant!

Let the dead past bury its dead!

Act, - act in the living Present!

Heart within and God overhead."

Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate ;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

Google 語音










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亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(英語:Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,縮寫:AIIB)(英文發音)

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution proposed by the government of China.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 投資意向書


Infrastructure  部份構造,基礎組織的意思 -The basic equipment and structures

Investment 投資

Memorandum 備忘錄



UN (United Nations) 聯合國

UNESCO (United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural) 聯合國教科文組織

APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亞太經貿合作組織

IOC (International Olympic Committee) 國際奧林匹克委員會

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 國際標準化組織

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 歐佩克,石油輸出國組織

WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界貿易組織

WHO (World Health Organization ) 世界衛生組織

IRC(International Red Cross)國際紅十字會

CIA (Central intelligence agence)美國中情局 

FBI(Feberal bureau of investigation)美國聯邦調查局

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什麼是LNT? LNT的英文是什麼?  





事前充分的規劃與準備-Plan Ahead and Prepare
在可承受地點行走宿營-Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
適當處理垃圾維護環境-Dispose of Waste Properly
保持環境原有的風貌-Leave What You Find
減低用火對環境的衝擊-Minimize Use and Impact from Fires
保育野生動植物-Respect Wildlife
尊重其他的旅行者-Be Considerate of Other Visitors

資料來源:林務局 英文完整解釋"

Leave No Trace 7 PRINCIPLES

Plan Ahead and Prepare: Poorly prepared people, when presented with unexpected situations, often resort to high-impact solutions that degrade the outdoors or put themselves at risk. Proper planning leads to less impact.
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces: Damage to land occurs when surface vegetation or communities of organisms are trampled beyond repair. The resulting barren area leads to unusable trails, campsites and soil erosion.
Dispose of Waste Properly: Though most trash and litter in the backcountry is not significant in terms of the long term ecological health of an area, it does rank high as a problem in the minds of many backcountry visitors. Trash and litter are primarily social impacts which can greatly detract from the naturalness of an area.[5] Further, backcountry users create body waste and waste water which requires proper disposal according to Leave No Trace.
Leave What You Find: Leave No Trace directs people to minimize site alterations, such as digging tent trenches, hammering nails into trees, permanently clearing an area of rocks or twigs, and removing items.
Minimize Campfire Impacts: Because the naturalness of many areas has been degraded by overuse of fires, Leave No Trace teaches to seek alternatives to fires or use low-impact fires.
Respect Wildlife: Minimizing impact on wildlife and ecosystems.
Be Considerate of Other Visitors: Following hiking etiquette and maintaining quiet allows visitors to go through the wilderness with minimal impact on other users.

請大家一同來保護大自然-Environmental protection 


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